When you meet - Donnie

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T/N = toy name


You were walking home from the store. Your parents asked you to get groceries and something for your little brother. You thought he was annoying but you still love him. You got him a (T/N) action toy and a game for the console . While you're walking home you saw something glowing in an alley.
"Well hello... What's this?" You asked while grabbing it.
"WOW... A lava lamp! Maybe I could put it on my--" It was green and very bright glowing lamp but You were interrupted by a.. A man's voice? You turned around and see a few men that are identical. You thought you were being delusional

" the kraang' has found the mutagen, but kraang' sees the thing known as 'girl'. Who is doing the thing known as 'carrying' the mutagen that should be given to the kraang'!" The kraangs went to you and grabbed your arm tightly.
"LET ME GO!" You screamed trying to get out of the kraang's grip. The Kraang soon started to carry you to a van, but something hit the kraangs and saved you. The dark figure look at nodded pointed at what you think is called mutagen.
" Oh... This is yours?" You asked him and he nodded. You gave him the lava lamp and saw a green hand. You were going to say something but the figure left. FAST. you couldn't stand there so you grab the groceries and the (T/N) toy and game for the console and ran home.
" THANK YOU" you yelled before leaving. You had a feeling that the figure was still there.

Alright. I hope you like it. Me and my cousin well mostly my cousin did it. I did some finishing touches. So ya see

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