Chapter fifteen: Mysterious

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Taking a step out of the front door I turned around to come face to face with Gabrielle and pulled her in for a kiss. She pulled away whilst smiling back at me with her usual white toothed smile and said "take it easy okay?", putting her right hand to my cheek. I leaned into her hand a little more, it felt so warm and feels as soft as a peach or a really snug blanket. Pulling her close to me, I wrapped my arms around her tightly and she did the same too and rested her head on my shoulder, I could feel her warm breath on my neck. "I'll be fine" I said in a calm tone, so calm she nodded her head taking faith in what I said. I looked Gabrielle in the eye and gave her a kiss on her soft cheek then said "I'll see you later". Whilst fighting the temptation of staying with Gabrielle, I made my way down the stone steps and across the street, looking back now and then to see Gabrielle still standing outside the front door smiling at me each time. She's so cute.

As I head through the quiet town and its narrow streets, the same feeling I had a few days ago when walking to Gabrielle's apartment came back again. I'm being followed, I'm sure of it. I shivered against the early year cold and also at the thought of being followed by an anonymous person and began to quicken my pace. I'm determined to keep my promise to Gabrielle, don't get in any harm. Around 10 minutes of speed walking through the still life streets, I arrived at the assassin's hideout and luckily there was a door to enter down a few stone steps. With being stabbed and all, I'm kinda not in a fit state to climb. But what is strange and also relievable is that the feeling of being followed disappeared once I was a street away from the assassin's hideout, finally. Maybe it would have been a Templar?

I pushed the thought to the back of my mind and walked through the door which led into a poorly lit corridor. I then proceeded to make my way through the complicated maze of corridors up until I found the main area of which I was way to familiar with. Making my way through the set of double doors I was met by Marcus and this time only one of the master assassin's and a woman I had never seen before. Marcus had gotten up from his seat and walked up to me with a confident smile across his non ageing face. "Elizabeth, it's good to see you again" he said holding me at arms length. I smiled at him and then turned to face Veronica the only one of the 3 master assassin's that were here today and smiled. Then my eye's fell upon the unknown woman standing beside Veronica, she had her arms crossed but was smiling politely. Veronica noticed I was looking at the unknown woman and said "we've been keeping a close eye on you Elizabeth, to make sure you weren't in any harm", the unknown woman then started to make her way around the table saying "after all, you did kill one of the Templar masters" with an impressed look and then held out her hand to me. The unknown woman introduced herself "I'm Alexa, I'm not really known around here because I don't show my face often. I'm probably the safest person you can be with as not many people know I exist" and then shook my hand. Now that Alexa was standing closer to me than when she was 2 minutes ago, I could make out most of her obvious features. She was around the same height as me and probably around the same age too, her hair was black and eyes were emerald green and would light up every so often but was not the same as Gabrielle's eyes when they lit up. Gabrielle's eyes sparkled. And I'd have to admit, she was very attractive but I'm non regrettably taken now and happy with it.

Looking down at my hands which were now in a tangled mess in front of me I said "I think someone's been following me.. and I'm a little worried because.." and trailing off in worry and realisation that the assassin's don't know I'm gay. Alexa looked at me with a raised eyebrow and a smile spreading across her lips "Elizabeth, if you didn't catch on what Miss V over there was saying, "we've been keeping a close eye on you". It's me who has been and don't worry, you and your girlfriend are going to be perfectly fine" she said with a playful look. Well at least that is out of the way. And how come they get to know so much about me but I don't get to know so much about them? And what's wrong with them telling me that they have someone watching me, I mean, it would have saved me the worry.

In those short few seconds of embarrassment , I finally managed a simple nod and a mumbled "thank you". Alexa walked past me to exit the room, pat my right shoulder as she walked past with a cheeky smile then left. Well that was an interesting first encounter with her. From behind me in the corner of the room, Marcus said "she may be a big tease but don't under estimate her, she knows what she's doing" with his arms crossed. I'd actually forgotten he was here as he hadn't said much during this whole encounter with Alexa. I really hope Marcus was right, I don't want to be killed by a mistake made by her if my life is held in her hands for the time being.

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