Chapter four: Secrets come out at some point

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"Charlie! You need to tell her and soon!"

"I will but not right now! She's sleeping!"

"Well wake her up or I will!"

"No! I will tell her, just not this very second!"

I was rudely woken by the sound of shouts coming from downstairs. Annoyed but also worried I got out of bed and put on a white flannel shirt over my naked body and pulled on a pair of clean pants.
After the shirt lying on the wooden floor all night the fabric was cold on my bare skin. I snuck into the hallway and halfway down the staircase, soundlessly and out of sight.
I looked through into the kitchen and could see a tall broad figure dressed in black. He had a hood up which made it harder for me to see his face.

I heard him say urgently "please Charlie, if you want her to live then you need to tell her! It's for her own good, her parents would have been furious with you if you don't tell her! her life is in danger! They know of her existence now!" He sighed "if you don't tell her then I will tell her later when I come and check".
The strange man stormed past the staircase, out the front door and ran down the street.
Were they talking about me? If so, how am I in danger? And who is that man anyway? Coming in here with an attitude like that. I walked into the kitchen and up to a shaking Charlie, "Charlie, who was that man? And what did he want?" I asked.

"Uh.. no one that you need to worry about" he said disbelievingly. I asked again with a hint of frustration, "Charlie, who is he and what did he want?", He tried to cover up this time "he just came to warn me about an unpaid bill..." he said.
I'm not having that as an answer "Charlie! Don't lie to me! Who is he and what did he want?!" I demanded, Charlie looked me dead in the eye, paused and said slowly "he is an assassin".
I was startled by what he said, if an assassin came here urgently telling Charlie to tell me that I'm in danger, then I guess there was a good reason for Charlie to hide this from me. "What did this assassin want?" I said my voice so shaky I thought that Charlie wouldn't understand what I said.

Taking his time Charlie said "he wanted me to tell you that... You're an assassin" I stood staring at Charlie 'this can't be real. Me? An assassin? No chance?' I thought. "You're in danger, Elizabeth. The Templars are after you." Charlie said seriously.
"But how? How am I an assassin? I don't understand. And why are the templars after me and not the rest?" I said confused.
"Your parents were assassins. The assassins and your parents hid you, they moved day and night so the Templars didn't know of your existence. And that plan has succeeded until now." Charlie said.

I watched his hand fumble around in his coat pocket and pull out a faded white envelope, with my name written on it. Charlie held it out to me and said "your mother... She wrote this, only for you".
I took the envelope, my hands trembling and opened it.

Dear Elizabeth

I wrote this letter for you on the night before your father and I died. We knew that, that night we said goodbye to you would be our last, and don't you ever think that we didn't hate it.

I'm sure by now that you know that you are an assassin and that the Templars know about your existence. It is important that you listen to mine and your father's dearest friend and companion Marcus, in your time of being an assassin. He maybe harsh on you at first but over time he will grow on you, if you show him respect and look up to him.

Your training will be extremely hard in the beginning, but I assure you that over time you will become the greatest and deadliest assassin there is. Your father and I were seen as the deadliest assassins and were hunted down by Templars every single night and day. But when I fell pregnant with you, the assassins and your father and I knew that you would be a strong fighter, brave and full of courage, this taken from me and your father.

Follow the rule 'open your eyes' you will understand this eventually I promise and Elizabeth, stay safe and the ones that you love, because we know how painful it is to say goodbye or lose the people that you love.

We love you Elizabeth, and don't you ever forget that.

Esme x

I slowly look up at Charlie, my eyes filled with tears. "Elizabeth?" Charlie says worried, I don't want to speak, don't want to listen. I took off running up to my bedroom and onto the balcony. I leaned over the stone wall and sobbed whilst clutching my mothers letter in my hand.

• • •

I felt like I had been crying for hours, but must have been minutes. Whilst sitting on the cold stone floor of my balcony, my head leaning against the stone wall, I felt a pair of gentle arms wrap around me.
Startled, I turned my head in fright and saw Paige looking at me worried. For this early in the morning, not the usual time for Paige to be up, she looked great but the same couldn't be said for me. She wore black skinny jeans, a white shirt underneath a black leather jacket, almost everything was black and her hair was tied up.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you" she said and gave a little smile. "What are you doing here?" I said confused, "for you" she said.

Charlie must have told her I was upset and with her seeing me cry, I guess that was even more evidence to give. Paige moved so she could hug me, bearing in mind that we are sat on the cold floor.
"So, do you mind telling me what's wrong?" Paige asked, I turned slightly so I could face her and handed over my mothers letter. She took it from my hand looking at me worriedly. I watched her whilst she read it, her eyes flickering from each side of the page.
Once Paige finished reading the letter she looked at me and gracefully pulled me into her arms, "this explains a lot" she said.

I sighed and Paige started to stroke my hair, "I don't know if I should tell Gabrielle, I don't want to hurt her" I said. "Well, you could go and see her and tell her straight up." Paige said, I felt tears roll down my face and I sniffed.
Paige looked down at my face and asked "hey, don't cry, what's the matter?" At this moment I kept replaying a scene in my head of me telling telling Gabrielle that I was an assassin and her leaving me, "I don't want to lose her" I said.

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