Chapter twenty three: A license to kill

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I walked down the usual hallway towards the master assassins office with the inch thick file rustling around slightly in my black backpack. My hands were resting in the pockets of my leather jacket, twiddling around with my phone in my right hand. I've spent almost the whole of yesterday and last night from when Alexa left my house, reading through the file she had given me to try and get an idea as to who I am going to go up against any time soon. But how I am going to find out the identity of the Templar master is bugging me the most, it's kept me up most of the night from when I actually went to bed up until now. I've already tried to think of a few things to try and get their identity but it was no use as they all lead into dead ends and ended up being completely absurd.

Pulling out my hands from the pockets of my leather jacket, I pushed open the doors to the master assassins office and walked in. Only one out of the three master assassins were in here, I must have been early.. Or late. "Ahh Elizabeth" Veronica said looking up from her desk full of paperwork and photos and to me. "I've sent Marcus on a little errand so he shouldn't take long" she continued, looking back down to the paperwork. I took a seat in one of the leather arm chairs to the right of Veronica on the opposite side of the table. It was comfortable and creased from many years of other people who had sat in the chair before me, maybe even as far back to my parents being alive and well and siting in this chair. I looked over to Veronica who was deep in thought whilst looking down at her paperwork and decided to not bother her by making small talk.

It must have been about 10 minutes of awkward silence before Marcus had arrived with a small bruise under his left eye. Veronica looked up at him, smiled and waved toward the seat next to me. Marcus plonked onto the chair with very little grace, exchanged a look with me and nodded with a small smile. "What happened to your eye?" I asked, Marcus lifted his hand to his eye and pressed it with his fingers "my client was resistant to give me the information I needed" he said and then turned to face Veronica.

Veronica put her hands together in front of her with her fingers entwined "right, well, I have brought you here today to discuss on how we are going to find out who is running the templars" she said looking at the both of us sternly. "We already know that there are two more templars roaming around London. One of them acts as a drug dealer over in Croydon, selling some kind of unkown drug that is killing off a majority of the people they are dealing too. Some of these people are who we rely on for information" Veronica said whilst pushing a photo of the drug dealing templar towards us. This was one of the templars that is mentioned in the file I was given by Alexa. I'm glad I know the backstory towards him.  "The second templar is slightly more of a broken soul than the other. From what we have gathered, this templar is a drug dealer and they murder 'for the fun of it' as one of our clients have quoted. Not to mention, a rapist towards men and women" Veronica said looking over to me and pushing another photo in front of me "you will find this templar is Dartford". I examined the two photos carefully one again like I had done the night before. I wanted to capture every last detail I could so I could recognise these horrible people like they were covered in blood and sticking out like a soar thumb. Though, the first point might literlly apply for the second templar mentioned.

"Elizabeth, I want you to takethem both out but make sure you get any possible information about the main templar out of them. Marcus will accompany you to take out Mathias, the first templar I mentioned but you will be going alone for the second" Veronica explained to me. This is actually a little exciting, I'm goint to be doing something that has been assigned to me to do. I just hope I don't screw up, the assassins, Veronica, Marcus they're all relying on me to get them their information about the templar they have been after for years. "You will be setting off to Croydon within the next hour so make sure that you are both ready to leave by then at the training rooms as a meet up" Veronica said clearing up her desk then resting her chin on her hands. I nodded then slung my backpack over my shoulders and made my way to the door "we're relying on you Elizabeth" I heard Veronica say behind me.

• • •

After earlier's short meeting with Veronica I have been starting to to feel a little on edge again. The thought of everyone relying on me to get that information they need is all down to me and not only that but trying not to get killed whilst in the process of doing so. I know I have had my training and I'm told I'm pretty good in combat but it still isn't enough to give me that confidence to go up and do what I need to do in this mission, and I know that Marcus will be with me just for this mission but what happens if I'm in need of help if things go bad when it is time for me to go up against the other templar that I need to take down.

I've been standing outside the training rooms for about 20 minutes now and there is still no sign of Marcus, I really hope he hasn't bailed out on this mission leaving me to do all of this on my own. It's only my second mission I have been on and I'm kind of feeling the pressure especially as it is quite an important one. I breathed out heavily as I leant against the stone wall with my arms crossed "why did it have to be me?" I mumbled to myself.

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