Chapter eighteen: What the hell happened?

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I slowly began to wake up by someone shaking my shoulder. Still not being able to open my eyes fully, I could tell that I was sitting upwards on the floor. The floor was cold and smooth, I must be still in the bathroom. I could feel someone kneeling above my outstretched legs and a hand on my cheek from time to time. Next came a muffled voice of someone in panic "Elizabeth? Elizabeth are you okay? Elizabeth please wake up" but I was still not able to recognise the voice. I tried opening my eyes slowly one more time but suddenly felt a throbbing pain  on the right side of my forehead, I raised my arm and cupped my head where the pain was. "Oh Elizabeth thank god" I heard the voice say. Now kinda able to open my eyes, I saw that it was Gabrielle kneeling over me in panic and by the looks of it, she had been crying. "What... happened?" I struggled to say aloud, Gabrielle stroked my face and said "I was going ask you the same thing". I tried looking around the the bathroom but stopped immediately when I felt my head throb even more, "I called for an ambulance and they said they will be here in 10 minutes, so in that time try not to move".

Suddenly I got an unbearable pain in my stomach and I moaned loudly, "I.. don't feel too g-" I tried to say before throwing up beside me. Gabrielle rushed to grab the empty bin by the bathroom door and gave it to me before I threw up any more. Gabrielle held my hair back as I began to be sick over and over again. After several times of being sick, Gabrielle stroked my hair and kissed my forehead "I'll go get you a glass of water" Gabrielle said before leaving the bathroom. I'm so thankful for Gabrielle doing this, I'm going to have to do something for her to say thank you. It was only now that I realised I was still wrapped in a towel with nothing on underneath. With the throbbing pain inside my head and the pain in my stomach, I attempted to grab my clothes where I had dumped them on the floor yesterday. Whimpering slightly, I pulled on my pants and clipped my bra then reached for my navy blue button up shirt. I slowly pushed my arms through the sleeves and began to button up the bottom buttons. After only buttoning up three buttons, Gabrielle returned with a glass of water, she placed it on the floor next to me began to help button up my shirt. "I thought I told you not to move" Gabrielle said, I grunted and grabbed the glass of water "well, I don't think the hospital would want to see me naked" I said attempting to smile at Gabrielle. Gabrielle smiled and stroked my hair "well I wouldn't mind" she said looking at me from head to toe with a grin.

The door bell rang from downstairs faintly followed by a knock on the door, that must be the paramedics. Gabrielle rushed out of the bathroom to let in them in, within seconds and a lot of ruckus, Gabrielle returned with the paramedics. There were two of them, one was a woman that had hair tied up tightly into a ponytail and was blonde, the other was a man who had slightly over grown brunette hair that was swept back and tucked behind his ears. They both rushed around me like a pack of hyenas circling their prey, but instead wanting to kill, wanting to save instead. The woman knelt down in front of me and looked at my pupils with a small light that looked like a pen, whilst the man got the stretcher ready. The woman looked at me and then to Gabrielle "what happened?" she asked, suddenly gone all detective mode. Gabrielle glanced over to me, waiting for me to answer, as of course, I was the one that had gotten into this situation in the first place. "Well, after getting out of the shower, when ever that was, I felt really dizzy. I sat down for a few minutes but then decided it would be a good idea to into to my bedroom and get some painkillers, as I had also developed a head. The next thing I knew, I was falling to the floor and I think I hit my head before I blacked out" I said informing both the paramedic and Gabrielle on what happened to me. "And then I found her lying out cold on the bathroom floor" Gabrielle said facing the paramedic. After checking my pulse the woman paramedic said "are you feeling any pain?", I nodded and put my hand over my stomach "my head and my stomach". "and out of a scale of 1 to 10, how bad do each hurt?" the woman paramedic asked, I though about it for a few seconds wanting to get the exact level of pain I am feeling  right. The pain wasn't as bad as it had been when I first woke up thank god. It was unbearable, different from any other pain I have felt in a while, "um.. my head about a 7 and my stomach about a.. 8 but 9 when I'm being sick" I responded.

The woman paramedic lifted up my shirt revealing the slightly bloody stab wound that I hadn't managed to patch up yet. "And when did this happen?" the woman paramedic asked with a serious expression. The man clipped the stretcher into place and tapped the woman on her shoulder, "about 3 weeks ago" I said watching his movements. Suddenly I had an urge to be sick all over again, I grabbed the bin that was already filling up with sick. As I lent over the bin and began retching, Gabrielle began rubbing my back in circular patterns and held my hair back once again.  "Okay Elizabeth we're going to put you on this stretcher . we will also put this neck hold on your head to keep your head still as we are unsure if there is any serious damage to your head. Are you able to stand up?" the man said, I nodded still feeling a little shitting and sick "I think so" I said. Gabrielle stood up first and grabbed a hold on my arms as she helped my get up off the floor, I was a little shaky and wobbly on my feet but I managed. Gabrielle put a hand on my back to make sure I wouldn't fall, as I made my way over to the stretcher. I laid down over the stretcher wincing up pain as the muscles in my stomach tightened when going down, the paramedics rushed around me once again and strapped me to the stretcher, I'm guessing so I don't fall off? 

The paramedics lifted me like I was as light as a feather , I can't imagine the amount of times they must have done this before. Gabrielle followed behind us as we made our way downstairs and outside to the ambulance, grabbing my house keys on the way out, Gabrielle locked the door behind us. The paramedics opened up the ambulance doors and pulled down a small ramp for the stretcher to get into the vehicle. When the paramedics had both assorted tubes into my arms, I noticed that the name tags that were pinned to their jackets. The male paramedic was called Mike and the woman was called Caroline, well now I don't have to call them man paramedic and woman paramedic, it was the best I could come up with. Gabrielle climbed into the back of the ambulance and sat beside Caroline on the bench next to me. She still looked a little worried and I could tell she was tense, I held my hand out and Gabrielle held onto it like she was holding on for dear life. "I'm going to be fine, you don't need to worry" I said rubbing my thumb on the top of her hand. Gabrielle smiled at me, still looking a little worried but less than before and kissed my hand "I can't help it" she said looking away from me. I squeezed her hand and she looked at me "I'm going to be fine". 

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