Chapter nineteen: Self-conscious

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After 10 minutes of driving, the ambulance came to a stop. Movement was made in the front of the vehicle and a door opening and closing, the back doors to the ambulance swung up revealing Mike at the back of the vehicle. Caroline unclipped the stretcher from the ambulance wall, this was so that I didn't sway around in the back of the ambulance and crush Caroline and Gabrielle's legs. Mike pulled down the ramp for the stretcher to get out. Caroline pushed me out of the stretcher slowly, making sure that I wouldn't zoom out and crash into anything or anyone, as funny as it sounds. They both rushed me in through the entry doors of the hospital and a dozen doctors and nurses surrounded me like I was food, preferably pizza. Gabrielle followed my stretcher from behind the herd of doctors and nurses until we reached an empty clean bed, plumped and ready for me with hospital curtains that looked like shower curtains pushed up beside it. 

The stretcher was pushed up against the side of the bed and 4 doctors lifted me onto the bed whilst overs hooked up one of those weird see-through bags that sent drips into my arms. They planted sticky patches attached to wires onto the middle of my arms, I'm guessing where the veins or pulse shows best? and switched the heart and pulse monitor to life. The doctors spoke in a medical gibberish to each other that I couldn't understand whilst Gabrielle stood in the side lines behind and out of the doctors way. After about a minute or so settling me in the bed, a majority of the doctors left me in peace noting that I hadn't any serious visible damage. The only doctor that stayed behind was male, he had blonde hair and was slightly tanned "okay Elizabeth, if you are able to stand, it would be great if you could put this gown on" he said giving me one of those pale blue things that patients wear. 

I took the gown and stood up from the bed "I'll go get one of the nurses to tie the back up" he said holding the stethoscope around his neck. "Um.. can I have my girlfriend do it instead? she's just over there waiting" I said pointing over at Gabrielle, who was now sitting on one of the waiting chairs looking down at the floor. The male doctor nodded "sure" and walked over to Gabrielle. Without the male doctor, Gabrielle came over and closed the curtains "I wasn't sure when I was okay to come over, they all seemed really busy and I felt like I'd get in the way" she said walking over to me. I held Gabrielle's cheeks in my hands and kissed her "you'll never be in the way" I said looking into her eyes with only centimetres between us. She smiled and kissed me back "thank you" she said and grabbed the blue gown whilst I unbuttoned my shirt. When I laid down my shirt on the bed and stood only in my underwear, I noticed Gabrielle was looking at my stomach where the stab wound was. Suddenly feeling self conscious because of it, I took the gown from Gabrielle's hand and covered the front of my body. "What's wrong?" she asked a little confused and worried, I looked away from her for a few minutes "you keep staring at it.." I said with a sigh.

Gabrielle came a little closer to me and held me in her arms "I'm sorry, I won't anymore" she said understanding my self consciousness. Gabrielle took the blue gown from my hands "now let's get this on you before one of those doctors pulls back the curtains with you still half naked" she said holding up the blue gown. I put my arms through the short sleeves and turned around so Gabrielle could tie up the strings at the back. Once finished, she wrapped her arms around my waist from behind and kissed my neck and I couldn't help but smile. Whilst Gabrielle still held onto me, the curtains drew back and there stood a female doctor looking at us with little surprise "sorry, do you need a minute?" she said still looking at us. Gabrielle let go of me, letting me get back onto the the bed again "no no we're fine" she said looking over to the nurse with a smile.

"We are going to take you to the scanning rooms where you will get an X-Ray. If you would like to follow me?" the nurse said pulling back the curtains fully and waiting. I slid off of the bed carefully, remembering why I am in the hospital in the first place and followed the nurse down the hall to the elevator with Gabrielle beside me holding my hand. I noticed that the hospital elevator's run a little quicker than your usual elevator in a shop. The nurse pressed the up button for the floor above us and waited. Gabrielle squeezed my hand and asked me "you okay?", I shook my head and said "no". Gabrielle looked at me a little worried, as if she couldn't get anymore worried in this place, "the pain is coming back again" I answered. With Gabrielle still holding my hand, we stepped into the elevator and waited for the "doors closing" woman. It was a few seconds until the we reached the next floor, the doors slide open revealing a much calmer floor.

Above a hallway directly in front of the elevator, there was a sign saying 'X-Ray rooms'. The three of us steeped out of the elevator and walked towards that direction. We walked past many other hospital beds with patients laying in them, ranging from mid-teens to elderly and I couldn't help but come up with all these scenarios of why they were in here. Down the end of the hallway and taking a left, we reached a room that had a red bulb above the door with a sign on the door saying 'when red light is on do not enter'. The room was plain white and there was a weird looking bed that had been outstretched from a massive circular machine. In the far room there was another door that revealed a window to the room, I was a little too far away to get a decent look of what was inside. "Lie down on the bed here and we'll get scanning" the nurse said patting the bed. "Gabrielle if you would like to come with me" the nurse said opening the door with keys I didn't even know she was carrying. I laid down on the bed and waited for the nurse to speak again, "Elizabeth, all you need to do is lie as still as possible and the scan will be over in seconds" the nurse said through a speaker in the wall. As I did what I was told the machine began to move slowly into the machine under a dim glowing white light inside, it was like I was staring death in the face. 

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