Chapter twenty four: Let's get down to business

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After almost 35 minutes of waiting outside the training rooms, Marcus finally showed up "you took your bloody time" I said agitatedly. Marcus chuckled a little and pat me on my shoulder "don't be so nervous" he said, I shrugged off his hand and looked at him a little surprised "h-how did you know I was nervous, I mean... I'm not that nervous" I stuttered. Marcus shook his head and grabbed a black backpack, like my own, from behind a plant pot which I hadn't noticed was there before until now "because I get nervous every time I'm sent on missions too, and I know that it is only your second mission that has been assigned to you. The pressures on for you girl" he said understanding how I felt.

He slung his backpack over his shoulders and started to walk in the direction of a black car that had been parked down the road from where we were. I followed behind him closely as we walked to it "so the plan is to drive down to Croydon, take down Mathias with our information. Then you will take the train to Dartford to take out Jacob, the second templar, also retrieving some information hopefully" Marcus said as he got out his car keys. He unlocked the car and slid in gracefully whilst I got in the other side and sat in the passenger seat. I didn't really say much during our time in the car on our way to Croydon, I guess I was just nervous and was in one of those moods where I just don't feel like talking. Marcus did try to make some small talk but I ended it with mumbles or not replying at all, so instead he went over the plan on what we were going to do for multiple times.

Once we had arrived in Croydon, Marcus had said that Mathias, the drug dealing templar would be making his next deal in Wandle Park. So after a few minutes we arrived at the park, it was dark especially as it being 12pm and having very little lights inside the park. Just to be safe, Marcus had parked the car further down the road from the park's entrance just in case we were spotted before we even got the chance to get shit done. We exited the car and made our way over to the park's entrance, the both of us had left our backpacks in the car because as if you might tell already, they wouldn't be very helpful and insuficiant if shit hit the fan and we'd have to fight.

As we stood out of the way of any pertruding light, hidden in the shadows we tried to use the moonlight to aid us in catching our target. It must have been about 20 minutes of waiting and observing before we noticed a broad and tall figure approach another from across the field we were on. Marcus turned to look back at me, his face illuminated only slightly in the moonlight "you ready?" he asked me, signalling for us to get moving. I nodded and breathed out, with it being dark I couldn't tell if Marcus noticed me nodding but soon after he'd began walking towards our target.

As we walked further on, getting closer and closer it was only until we were 8 feet away from our target that he noticed us. His eyes darted to the both of us, slightly wide as if realising who we might be and what we were going to do. By now the other person that he was dealing with had left and it was just us three alone together in this pitch black park with only one lamppost a few feet away from us. "And you are?" Mathias asked raising and eyebrow but watching us carefully, Marcus looked to me and nodded toward a silenced gun he had given me earlier on in our journey here. I nodded undertsanding what he meant and I pulled it out of the back of my jeans hidden from sight underneath my leather jacket.

I swung my hand up quickly pointing the gun to Mathias's forhead, he looked at me in shock and then melted to a cocky smile and chuckled "I'd put the gun down missy" he said with his hands raised slightly in the air. Well, it looks like he isn't going to take me seriously. Pissed off, I frowned at him "you're not going to shoot me, have you even fired a gun missy?" he asked still acting a little cocky, quiet sure that I won't fire the gun. I let a smile curve at the corner of my mouth and pointed the gun at the ground then pulled the trigger. This then caused the man to jump slightly and look at me like he was wondering where I might fire next, if he pisses me off even more I think I might just accidentally shoot him in the head.

Marcus then walked up to Mathias and punched him in the face, making him fall backwards onto the floor. I kept the gun aimed at his head just incase he tried anything with Marcus. Groaning slightly, Mathias stood up with his hand over his now bleeding nose "who is leading the templars?" Marcus said before punching the guy in the face again "I don't know" Mathias said groaning even more whilst lying on the floor. Marcus kicked Mathias in the stomach "bullshit!" he exclaimed in frustration. I moved a little closer towards them and gave Marcus a look to try and tell him to calm his shit, we're not going to get anywhere if the guy is dead already.

"I'm telling you I don't fucking know!" Mathias shouted back as he cluched his stomach and coughed out some blood. Sitting up straight, Mathias sighed and began explaining "look, all I know is that I'm told to sell drugs and thats it! I've never actually seen the person who is telling me to do these things okay". You know when you can tell when someone is definitley lying? I can say for sure that this guy is telling the truth. I walked over to Mathias and crouched so that I was at the same eye level but still keeping a good distance so that he couldn't knock my gun out of my hand or anything like that "well, could you tell us where we might find them? pretty please" I said in hope to lure him in with my looks. Hey, I can say this works with some guys, it's just a shame for them to not know I'm not into them.

It looked like he was thinking about what to say next, as he sighed and then looked down "I heard that they were going to this meeting which will be taking place in some sort of food festival somewhere in Bromley in like a week or so" he said defeated, just knowing that this is going to get him in trouble. I leant over and patted him on his foot "see, it wasn't that hard now was it?" I said. Looking at Marcus once I stood up, I turned my head to face him slightly and whispered "um.. what shall I do now?" I said worried that I might actually have to shoot this guy, I mean it shouldn't make no difference since I killed a man by stabing him hundreds of times in the chest, but then again it doesn't give it the right to make it feel like it is any easier every time.

Marcus looked at me and then walked over to Mathias whilst getting out a pair of handcuffs that were hidden under his coat. He handcuffed Mathias and then began to walk in the direction towards the car but before he countinued any further, Marcus stopped and got out another silenced gun of his own and shot Mathias in both of his legs. I winced as I listened to Mathias yell out in pain once both the bullets peirced his white flesh on both legs, damn that must be so painful, especially if the bullets had hit his bones. Marcus tucked away his gun in his jeans underneath his coat and I did the same as we both walked back towards the car.

Although Marcus shot Mathias in the legs, I am glad I didn't have to witness an execution right in front of my very eyes. "You alright?" Marcus said to me once we were in the car, "yeah" I sighed, looking down at my shaking hands, it must have been from the adrenaline from holding a gun and that I just watched a guy get shot in both of his legs. "I had to do it, otherwise it would have been easier for him to get up and run away and report us either to the police or to the templar we are trying to kill" he said explaining himself in reason. I nodded my head and sighed "I understand" I said as we came to a stop from the short journey to the train station. This is it, the next step to the mission. I just hope that it will all be over soon, I hope.

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