Chapter twenty five: The heavier they are, the harder they fall

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My nerves came flooding back all at once from the moment I left the car, I slammed the car door shut and watched Marcus drive off like a maniac down the road and eventually out of sight. "Here goes" I sighed as I began to walk into the station. The platform I eventually found myself on wasn't that busy which I guess was a good thing as it would mean if there were any trouble I could run out of there fast. I nestled myself by the wall near the exit and waited for the train to arrive whilst glancing over to the people who stood on the platform or who arrived.

There was something about being near the edge of something that really gets my anxiety pumping. The thought of falling and not being able to get back up because I'm either stuck or dead. In this case, it would be falling off the platform and onto the tracks and knowing my luck, getting my foot stuck within them, not only that but there would be the panic of not being able to climb back out either before the train comes hurtling down the track or just being in such a panicked state that I would be too weak to climb out and nobody helping.

Within 5 minutes the breeze began to pick up and blow around the platform, soon following the sound of a giant metal cage on wheels clanging along the tracks. The train came swooshing past letting the remaints of the wind it carried to blow my hair into my face. The doors slide open and I joined the other people who were also standing on the platform getting onto the train and took a seat next to the exit, you can't be too careful. During the god knows how many stops there were to Dartford, there were many drunks who had gotten on and off of the train and some were in my carriage too. There were many hipsters, with their fashionable and expensive headphones resting on their heads or around their necks and holding out their expensive smart phones looking at them like they were like a life machine.

The train finally came to a stop at Dartford station, there were more people getting off here than for some of the previous stops and I was one of them. I charged out of the train carriage once the doors had opened and rushed out of the station. Recalling where I had to go, I got out my phone and rang for a taxi to come pick me up. Within about 10 minutes of waiting the black taxi arrived, I jumped in the back and then gave the driver the destination of where I wanted to go. There was a construction site up on Temple Hill and I was told by Marcus to keep a look out when I got there as it would be dark and probably no one would see me, which in my case can be a good and a bad.

The taxi journey was quiet, with just the sound of the driver's ear piece ringing from time to time and him asnwering it, most likely to be his boss or other taxi drivers. It was a short journey thank god, as I was kind of running out of time. It was already nearing 1am and I was told that this next templar deals at that time too. The taxi pulled up at Temple Hill not far from the construction works, I handed the driver my money for the journey and hopped out quickly, assuming he would have another person to pick up and also with the little time I have left to get to the construction site.

I started to walk up to the entrance to the construction works, 2 minutes later I was there at the start of a dusty road leading towards metal beams in darkness. Once inside the construction site, I hid myself above a metal crate that was around 20 metres away from the entrance. The place was too dark for me to be spotted and to my advantage, I could be able to see almost a whole area in front of me because of this crate. For what seemed like every 5 minutes, I kept on checking the time on my phone to make sure and also reassure myself I wasn't late to get here. Then out of no where I heard a gunshot from about 10 metres in front of me. I got out a pair of night vision bonoculars that I had put in the black backpack I had brought with me and tried to spot who had made the shot.

As I scanned the area, I could see no one around the site and so decided to jump of the crate and investigate. Maybe it could be some thugs in the area? or Jacobs drug deal didn't go down his way. By now, I didn't have the advantage of being on high ground and as it was so dark I was going to need to watch my step as well as try not to get caught. But as soon as I thought this, I felt asomeone hit me in the back of the head with some metal pole. Once I had been struck, I then tripped over something on the ground and lost my step. I hit the ground hard and my head was thumping and when I looked to the left of me I saw the reason as to why I fell over, it was a blooded and limp corpse that had its head blown to pieces.

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