Chapter six: And so it begins

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The arrows had stopped at a small hidden door on the rooftop of a large white building, on the door there was a small button that looked like an 'A'. I pressed it and the door opened up, revealing a stone staircase leading downwards. "Well here goes" I mumbled and started to walk down the stone steps, using the torch from my phone to light up the way. Once I reached the bottom of the staircase, I was met with another door. I opened the door and entered a grand hallway filled with paintings on the walls. Walking down the long hallway, I was taken by surprise when I heard a voice right behind me.

"You found us, well done" Marcus said.

Marcus guided me further down the long hallway to a set of giant doors "time to meet the master assassins" Marcus said. In front of the giant doors were 4 men dressed in white, Marcus nodded at them and they let us through. Once inside, I saw a long rectangular table in front of me with three people sitting behind it, on what looked like fairly comfortable chairs. There was a woman with long red hair and pale skin and two men, one black and the other was white and fairly old. They all stopped their current discussion and looked at Marcus and I.

"This is Elizabeth" Marcus introduced to the three master assassins, their expressions lightening.

"Welcome Elizabeth, we've been looking forward to your arrival" the red haired woman said.

"My name is Veronica, this is Flynn and over here is Chase" Veronica continued, pointing at the two men.

"Elizabeth, if you wish to join the assassins, it will be our greatest pleasure. We are all expecting highly of you as you were the child of the best assassins that we had. We know that with the training that we will provide, you will be capable of many things that your mother and father were. So, do you wish to join?" Chase said.

I looked at Marcus and then back to Chase and said "yes"

"Very well, Marcus will you show miss Dorian to the training rooms?" Chase continued.

"Certainly" Marcus replied and then began his guide to the training area.

Whilst walking down many hallways, Marcus said "we will begin straight away with the training. I will teach you how to fight and then I will teach you to master you stealth abilities". Once at the training area, I changed into shorts and t-shirt that Marcus had provided me with and joined him in the training room. "First, you will learn how to dodge", Marcus swung his clenched fist at me, aiming for my face but missing only by centimetres.

"Keep yourself focused and act straight away. Next time you might not be so lucky" Marcus said.

I nodded and then prepared myself for Marcus's next move. Marcus swings another clenched fist, lower this time, aiming for my stomach. I jumped out of the way, grabbed his arm and twisted it making him land on the floor.

"That's it! keep it coming okay" Marcus cheered.

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