Chapter nine: I'm ready for this

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Marcus and I crept down the dark and empty hallway until we reached a set of stairs leading downwards to another room. We moved our way down the stairs quick and quiet then hid behind a crate as soon as we spotted four Templar guards standing with their backs to us. Marcus and I crept up to two of the guards and slit their throats, making the other two guards alert and aware of our presence. Marcus began hitting one guard, whilst I chased after the other before he pressed the alarm button at the far side of the room, but was too late. The guard slammed the button on the wall and stabbed me in the stomach when I got close. I fell to my knees, hands over my stomach and yelling in pain. Marcus snapped the guards neck and then ran over to the guard that stabbed me, landing a blow to the guards face, knocking him to the floor.

I got up off of the floor and ran, as best as I could, over to the guard and punched him in the face as he was just getting up. I then dodged his clenched fist, kneed him in the crotch and when he bent over in pain I stabbed him twice in the stomach, leaving him to collapse and creating a dark red puddle on the floor. By then, Marcus had turned off the alarm but more guards were heard shouting from down the hall, coming our way. We readied ourselves for the next wave of guards, 6 guards had turned up this time. Hidden behind the crates scattered around the room, Marcus and I jumped out at two of the guards and took them out with a slit at the throat, then moved on to taking down the other four guards. Marcus took down another guard by dodging his knife and then stabbing them in the chest. I took down another guard by slicing his neck open, letting the blood squirt all over me as he fell to the floor slowly. I then moved on to taking down the next guard in my sight but was then punched in the face by the other last guard. Marcus tackled the second guard, snapped his neck and then moved on to helping me take down the last guard. Marcus grabbed hold of the guard and I stabbed him in the stomach, leaving him clenching his wound until he falls to the floor.

I ran over to Charlie's cell in the far side of the room and unlocked it with a key that I picked up from one of the previous guards, now lying dead on the floor. Hugging him, I jerked back in pain remembering that I had been stabbed and was still bleeding. "We need to get out of here now!" Marcus said urgently. I put a hand over my stab wound and my other arm around Charlie's waist and started to run up the stairs, through the dark hallway and into the main hall with Marcus.

The other four assassins that came with us to rescue Charlie were already standing by the exit when we arrived. There were dead guards all over the floor.  Just as we were about to make our way out of the Templar hideout, we heard a voice behind us "and where do you think you are all going" the voice said. We all turned around immediately to see that it was one of the three master Templars, Miles Sterling.

Miles walked a little closer, pulled out a gun, raises his eyebrow and said "give me the girl". "No" Marcus said glaring at him. "Very well" Miles said and shot Charlie. Charlie fell to the floor like a sack of potatoes, a pool of blood already forming. NO. Sobbing I lent over Charlie whilst holding him in my arms and continuously said his name. That bastard. I got up off of the floor and start charging towards Miles before he could make any next move, leapt onto him and continuously stabbed him in the chest screaming "you bastard! you fucking bastard!". The four guards that had been standing beside Miles had started attacking the four assassins. Each of the guards being taken out one by one.

Marcus ran over to me and wrapped his arms tightly around me, trying to make me stop continuously stabbing Miles's already dead body. He took the knife from my hand, picked me up and started running out of the Templar hideout with the other assassins.

I cant believe he is gone. Charlie is gone. The man that had looked after me every day since my parents had died is gone. Charlie is gone.

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