Chapter seventeen: It's been a while

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There she stood, her silky brunette hair blowing lightly in the breeze. Jeans, T-shirt and leather jacket, Paige. She smiled back at me with her white teeth and rosy cheeks, shivering lightly in the cold. I smiled back at her as I wrapped my arms around Paige tightly, "how you doing?" she asked. Pulling away from Paige and walking inside to the kitchen I say "I don't really know to be honest". As Paige took a seat at the kitchen table, I turned on the kettle and began to make a cup of tea for us both. "I guess I'm getting over it quicker than I thought" I said turning around to face Paige, "it's not that I don't miss him.. of course I do. He looked after me for so many years, it's just.. I don't know what to feel now after the grieving apart" I continued. Paige ruffled her hair slightly with her hand "I understand" she said looking up at me. After turning back around to pour the hot water from the kettle into the two mugs on the side, I walked over to the table and handed Paige her tea. "My nan died when I was 15 and I can remember feeling this way" Paige said bring her mug to her mouth. This is he first time I have ever heard of this, now it all makes sense why Paige was so sad for at least 2 months. I must have had an expression of shock or surprise because Paige then looked at me and said "it's okay I got over it a long time ago".

I nodded my head and sipped my tea, "if you don't mind me asking, why is there a fancy looking knife on your kitchen side?" Paige asked motioning towards the knife. I forgot all about the knife and also about the secret room in the cleaning cupboard up until now. Putting down my tea, I walked over the knife and brought it back to the table and showed Paige it's gleaming smooth silver covered in patterns "whilst I was cleaning earlier, I found this secret room in the cleaning cupboard. There's this cupboard full of knives down there and well... you know me, I went to check it out" I said. Looking a little gob smacked Paige smiled and said "no way", I giggled at her reaction "and when I was holding the knife, I cut my finger. I came up to clean my finger and the knife and then you showed up at my door" I said showing Paige the plaster on my finger. Paige giggled and nudged my leg underneath the table "so how's the wound?" she asked. Lifting up my top a little, I looked down at the bandaging and then back up to Paige "well, I don't see any blood so I think I'm alright . It hurts now and then but not as much as it did a few weeks ago" I said.

Paige nodded and then looked at me with a smirk "and how about you and Gabrielle?" she asked. I smiled and said "you're full of questions today, aren't you?" and giggled, "we're really good, in fact I even slept around her house for a few days" I continued whilst circling the rim of my mug. Paige's jaw dropped and I couldn't help but laugh at her, "so did you two?.." she asked mischievously. Giggling again, I raised my eyebrow "in my condition? no... but, there was a lot of lip contact", Paige laughed and said "is that how people are describing kissing now? wow I'm missing out". Whilst laughing, I nudged Paige's leg "and how about you? have you found anyone yet?" I asked. Downing the last of her tea, Paige smiled and said "well if you count flirting with a guy at the supermarket, then no", I smirked and said "you flirt with everybody, and I'm surprised no one has taken a bite of you yet". Paige laughed and kicked my leg "you make it sound like they're all human flesh eating monsters or something", I laughed and then finished the rest of my tea "I'm going to get going now, the mother also wants to check in on my life" Paige said whilst pulling a dreaded look. Laughing, I hugged Paige "well have fun and I'll see you soon okay?" I said, Paige then nudged me and smiled cheekily "obviously, as I need details on your relationship" and then walked down the hallway to the front door.

After hugging one more time and saying our goodbyes, Paige finally left the house. I thought she'd never leave. Anyway, I think its time to go have a shower, I'm in desperate need of some hot water on my skin. I begin to make my way up the stairs to my bathroom, sighing as I walked past Charlie's bedroom. Once in my bathroom, I pulled off each item of clothing and dumped them on the floor beside me. I looked in the massive mirror in front of me and glared at my reflection staring back at me, I looked tired and my eye liner had started to smudged at the crinkles of my eyes. The stab wound on my stomach was still raw red and a tiny bit bloody, the stitching had started to undo at the ends of the wound. Was it meant to be doing this? Steeping into the shower, I turned on the water and waited for it to run hot. I stepped underneath the shower head and let the steaming hot water fire down on my skin like bullets, the droplets of water rolling down my body like it were a race. After spending at least 20 minutes standing under the hot water, I turned of the water and stepped out of the steaming glass cage. I wrapped a towel around my dripping wet body and sat down on the toilet seat from feeling a little dizzy, it must be to do with the room being hot.

Standing up cautiously, I began to get extremely bad headaches and my dizziness increased. Okay, I'm not dealing with this, I'm just going to have find some paracetamol which should be in the first aid kit in my bedroom. As I began to make my way to the bedroom, it was about 2 steps before the dizziness increased even more and caused me to fall forwards. On the way down I must have hit my head on something hard, this was the last thing I remembered before I blacked out.

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