Chapter twenty: Infectious

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The bed slowly moved out of the machine and stopped so that there was plenty of room for me to sit up without hitting my head on anything. The door to the other room next to me opened and out came the nurse followed by Gabrielle "you laid perfectly still which made it much easier for me" the nurse said signing something on a clipboard by the door. Gabrielle came over to hug me tightly and then moved her hand downwards to hold mine and gave me a smile. She's so perfect. We followed the nurse out of the room, down the hallway and back to the elevator again. Whilst we waited I noticed that there were a few patients in some of the empty beds, this must be the recovery floor or whatever its called. Pulling me out of my thoughts, I felt Gabrielle's hand tug a little on mine and realised the elevator doors were opening. It was a few short minutes before we arrived back at my bed, the nurse had walked off toward another doctor and they both walked into a room behind a reception desk across the room from my bed.

 I felt Gabrielle's hand make her way to mine and I squeezed it "I'm hoping I don't have to stay here overnight, I don't think I'll be able to cope" I said turning to face Gabrielle, she was sat down on a small chair beside my bed. "Don't worry you'll be okay, that's what hospitals are here for" Gabrielle said rubbing her thumb across the top of my hand, she stood up and kissed my forehead "I'll go get us some water" she said before walking off in the direction of the elevator. Only a  few short minutes later another doctor came over to my bed with a clipboard in his hand. He had light brown skin and black hair that was cut short. He came up to me with a friendly grin showing his perfectly straightened teeth slightly "Elizabeth, we have your x ray results and luckily for you there were no damage to your head from your fall" the doctor said. Paying attention only slightly, I noticed a name tag on his dark blue scrub suit, 'Tobias' was written in black thin letters. 

"Now, the paramedics said that you had pain in your stomach?" Tobias asked me with an eyebrow raised. I nodded "yeah, I was stabbed a few weeks ago and the pain was fine until now" I said, Tobias walked over to the left side of my bed and lifted my gown revealing the wound. He got out a small torch like the one the paramedics had and inspected the wound carefully. Tobias put away the small torch in a pocket in his scrub shirt "it looks to me like it is infected" he said,"Don't worry, it will clear up in a week or two with medicine". I pulled down the gown to cover my stomach and Tobias walked off over to the receptionist on the computer. Well, now I know what's wrong with me again. Just then Gabrielle finally came back with a plastic cup of water, they were one of those cheap plastic cups that if you held it to tightly the water would raise and over flow from the cup. 

"The doctor said that my wound is infected and I'm gonna need medication"  I said informing Gabrielle on my injury gossip. She sat down in the chair next to me and handed me my cup of water "that's good, did they say when you will be able to go home?" she asked. I nodded my head and took a sip of my water, it was freezing cold and felt refreshing, especially as I haven't had a drink since the day before. I had apparently blacked out for an entire night and half a day. Tobias came back over to my bed and handed me a small white box that said a long and unreadable name for the tablets. "Take one of these every day for the next two weeks and the infection should clear up" he said putting his hands in his pockets "and the headaches that you said you were having were most likely to do with stress" Tobias said before walking off over to the reception desk to sign a piece of paper on yet another clipboard. 

After a few minutes of chatting up the receptionist, Tobias returned to give me the good news that I would not be staying the night in the hospital and that he had just signed me out on prescription. Gabrielle handed me my shirt from the small cabinet beside the bed and then pulled the curtains around the bed. It was then that I remembered that I hadn't any trousers with me, as I stood in my navy blue shirt. "I don't have trousers" I said a little embarrassed and red faced to Gabrielle, she smirked and looked at me from head to toe. "I'll go ask the receptionist if they could give you a pair" she said leaning in for a kiss, her kiss was warm like always and I didn't want it to end. It felt like it had been ages since we actually kissed on the lips, maybe I just have bad memory but then again I try to remember every kiss with Gabrielle like it were my last. She walked off over to the receptionist across the room and asked if there were spare trousers for me to wear. The receptionist had got up from the computer at the desk she was sat at and walked into a room nearby, returning to Gabrielle a few seconds later with a pair of dark blue scrub trousers, great, I've always wanted to play doctor. 

Gabrielle returned back to me with the trousers and watched me as I put them on "hot" she said with a smirk. I walked up and down past the bed like it was a cat walk and pouted as I stopped each time. Gabrielle couldn't contain her laughter and begged me to stop, whilst doing so. "God I love you" she said pulling me close to her so she could kiss me. I looked around the hospital beds and noticed that some of the patients and doctors accompanying them were looking at us with small smiles. I guess we were their distraction for like five minutes. I looked back at Gabrielle and kissed her on the lips as she was smiling "stay with me tonight" I said holding her at the waist. "Okay" she said smiling even more, god that smile is beautiful. I held Gabrielle's hand in mine and walked over to the exit and through it's automatic sliding doors. Fortunately, there had been a taxi free after dropping off a man and his pregnant wife outside the doors. We rushed over to claim the taxi and told him the address of my house. I turned to Gabrielle who was sitting right next to me with her hand in mine "let's go home".

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