Chapter five: Use your instincts

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I walk up the stone steps to the front door and ring the door bell. A few seconds later Gabrielle answers "hey!.. I wasn't expecting you to come over" she said lightly, I gave a forced smile and she could tell something was up.
"Are you okay?" She asked as we walked into the living room, I sat down on the couch "I.. I need to tell you something" I said as my nerves started to build higher and higher. She looked at me concerned "um sure, go ahead" Gabrielle said as she joined me on the couch.

I closed my eyes, took in a breath and let it out, she would find out eventually why not tell her now? "I'm an assassin.." Its taking all the strength that I have to not show any worry in front Gabrielle 'what will she think?' I thought over and over.
I handed over my mothers letter and waited for Gabrielle to take it. She took it from my hand slowly, her eyes looking into mine and then started to read it, her eyes flickering side to side. I could tell when she had finished reading, her eyes stayed still looking at the bottom of the page and she let out a slow, quiet sigh.

Gabrielle looked up from the letter and to me and gave a little smile, the corner of her mouth lifting up just slightly. She leaned in and hugged me, resting her head on top of mine "don't look so worried" she said and I could feel her smile into my hair. "I was expecting you to go apeshit" I said giving a small chuckle and Gabrielle gave a genuinely sweet laugh.
Gabrielle moved so that she was facing me, and we held each other's gaze. She leaned in close and started to kiss me and I kissed back with my mind going completely blank.

My heart pounding hard, like it's trying to break free from my chest. I smiled as I pulled my head away to look at Gabrielle.
"I should get home" I said not wanting to leave her presence. I stood up and walked to the front door with her in tow. When turning around to face Gabrielle I pressed my lips against hers one last time and walked out the door. Walking down the street I couldn't stop thinking about her. 'Her lips are just incredible' I thought, constantly fighting the urge to run back and kiss them one last time.

• • •

Walking through the front door I found Charlie in the living room. The strange man from this morning was here too. I sped walked up to Charlie and hugged him "Charlie I'm so sorry for this morning" I said apologetically, he rubbed my back and smiled. "Elizabeth this is Marcus, he is an assassin too and also knew your mother and father" Charlie said as I turned to face Marcus. 'Marcus? Mother mentioned him in the letter', I smiled to be polite and said "hi".

"You look just like your mother, it's almost like I'm looking right at her" Marcus said, but as nice as the comment was, I couldn't help but feel my heartbreak a little at the thought of my mother and father that are no longer here. How I long for them to be here. Alive. I would do anything to bring them back and to be their little girl again. I miss them so much it hurts. I paint a forced smile on and pretend that it didn't hurt me at the thought.
"I came to see if you knew. And also, the master assassins await your visit. After all this time, they are pretty intrigued to see you. You will also need to start your training soon, if you want to live, it would be best if you came soon. Open your eyes and you will find us, that is when it will all begin" Marcus said seriously and walked out of the house without saying another word.

I turned to face Charlie "well he doesn't give much notice of when he leaves does he. I think I'm going to go up to my room" I said and left. Rushing up to my bedroom I checked the time on my phone, pressing the lock button the screen lit up to show bold white numbers displaying the time 14:38. I sigh, walk over to my bed and sit down. I unlock my phone and open up the music app and tap to listen to PVRIS's full album white noise, Lynn's voice is amazing, though I say that about every female singers voice that I like. For example, Hayley's Williams.
I lie down on top of my bed and stare up at the white ceiling, focusing on every crease. Song by song, second by second, minute by minute I think about what Marcus meant by 'open your eyes', what does it mean? Do I have to look from a different perspective?

I look at my lock screen staring at the selfie of Paige and I, it's been an hour since the last time I looked at my phone, 15:42. I got up from my bed and walked into my bathroom and started to undress, my clothes forming into a pile of fabric on the cold, bright white tiled floor beside me. Looking into the tall mirror I find yet another bruise, this time on my right arm and my left hip, what have I been doing? Abusing myself in my sleep?

I stepped into the walk in shower and closed the glass door behind me, a shower big enough to fit two, and turned the shower on, cursing at how cold the water was until it ran warm. I wash my hair and my body with soap, watching the bubbles froth around the drain and embraced the hot water that rained down on me. As I stood there, I started to rethink what Marcus meant about 'open you eyes and you will find us'.
I spent minutes running through possible answers and finally tried to settle on one. I shut my eyes, cleared my mind and opened my eyes again, nothing. Okay so that didn't work but one last try won't hurt? Once again I shut my eyes, steadied my breathing, kept my mind blank and opened my eyes. Everything had become brighter and more sharper to the human eye but there were weird symbols written in gold across the walls. I looked around the bathroom with my sixth sense and made a terrible mistake by looking up at the light on the bathroom ceiling. The light was so bright, my eyes hurt like hell and I slipped backwards in the shower landing on the slippery floor with a loud phump.

"Elizabeth?.. Are you alright?" I heard Charlie call up from the hall, "uh yeah.. I just slipped, no biggy" I called back. I got up and stood underneath the hot water and giggled "that'll be another bruise" I mumbled to myself. Sliding the glass door open, I reached for a towel, dried myself down and threw it into the laundry basket. Naked, I walked back into my bedroom, up to my bed and picked up my phone checking the time, its 16:09. I check social media such as Instagram and twitter and then move to put my phone back down on the bed, but as soon as I put my phone down it vibrated. I check the lock screen, its a text message from Paige.

Paige: "hey, how are you feeling now? x"
I text back:
Elizabeth: "I'm much better and we need to meet up later this afternoon x"
Paige: "thats good to here and okay.. what about? x"
Elizabeth: "I will tell you later when we meet I promise but I need to get ready, see you later bye x"
Paige: "k bye x"

I locked my phone and put it back down on the bed and walked over to my wardrobe getting out clean underwear and clothes. I slide into my jet black jeans, pull on a white vest and red checked unbuttoned shirt then slipped on my black converse shoes. Walking onto my balcony I used my 6th sense to see if it had any use as to where I am meant to go, thankfully I think it did. There was the assassins symbol draw in gold with an arrow beside on the rooftops, pointing me in the direction I guess I'm meant to be going. I turned around to face the wall, looking up at the roof I took a deep breath and started to climb, placing my feet in each crack as I go. "Wow" I breathed, looking at the view once at the top. I started to walk across the roof carefully, whilst following the arrows that were lit up in gold. Gaining confidence, I started to run across the rooftops that were joined together up to a gap between the house I was on and the next, then jumped, "shit, I can't believe I just did that" I said taking deep breathes, and carried on running. I have done this plenty of times before but it always amazes me as to how I haven't fallen to my death yet.

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