Chapter sixteen: Well, that's unusual

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Walking down these familiar streets I start to feel those familiar feelings I used to get when I would walk home from spending a few hours in the town or from my work place where I was fired for almost killing a customer because I gave them the wrong order that they were allergic to. I know, I'm a genius. As I walk through these streets and up the driveway to my front door, I let out a slow breath and reached for my house keys in the pocket of my coat. My shaking hand met the cold smooth of the metal key and I slid it into the key slot and opened the door, it swinging open smoothly and quietly. Walking into the hallway, I noticed that nothing had been touched since I was last here after when someone had come here to fix the place before I arrived home. There was a thick layer of dust forming on the shelves and wooden furniture, even though it's been around 3 weeks since I last came home. Well, I might as well clean up the place so I don't have to sit in the corner of a dark room and remember things, bad things.

I walked into the hallway to a cupboard under the staircase where all the cleaning stuff is and got out a tin of polish and a cloth, then started to wipe down every piece of wooden furniture and shelving in the entire house until there wasn't a speck of dust anywhere. Now satisfied with the lack of dust particles laying about the furniture, I reach into the cleaning cupboard to get the mop. When I grabbed it's wooden pole I must have not been completely aware of some ornaments in the cupboard. I knocked over a fancy white glass ornament of a horse on its hind legs but instead of it falling to the floor and smashing into a million pieces, it tilted backwards to a 90 degree angle with the sound of click. Something beside me in the dim lighting of the cupboard slid sideways and clicked into place. There was a 6 ft whole in the wall that showed only one top step of a staircase in the faint light. Well, this is unusual.

I walked through the doorway and down the short staircase cautiously, I mean who knows what could be down here. When reaching the bottom, I fumbled around the walls to find a light switch. Giving up, I took out my phone and switched on the torch light to aid me in finding a light switch. With just my luck, the switch ended up being at the top of the staircase on the right side of the door. After finally faffing around with the light switch situation, I could finally see what was down here. The room was a boxed room, not too big and not too small with no windows. There were cobwebs in the corners of the ceiling and dust everywhere. Around the corner of the staircase was a giant wooden bookcase that covered the whole of that wall and was filled with books that are unreadable because they were covered by dust and cobwebs. I'm making this room sound really ancient, aren't I? Along the far wall next to the bookshelves was a wooden table covered in slightly dated papers and photos that were too distant and creased to make out what was on them. Finally, on the next wall directly in front of the staircase there was a small grey couch and a cabinet filled with a variety of knives. 

I walked up to the cupboard and picked up a knife. It was small, incredibly smooth and felt as cold as ice, not to mention dangerously sharp. It's silver shine glimmered under the decently lit lighting, showing all kinds of wavering patterns that were engraved into it. Turning the knife around in my hands, I accidentally pressed to hard on the blade and sliced open my right index finger letting a ball of dark red blood flow down my finger and also the blade. Flicking my finger to the floor in pain, I let out a faint whisper "fuck". It may have only been a small cut but it sure stings. After a few moments of watching the blood run down the knife, I decided to go back up to the kitchen and cover up my cut. Still holding the knife I made my way up the staircase and back into the cleaning cupboard. I pulled the horse ornament back into its original position and proceeded into the kitchen in the next room. 

The water was ice cold when I put my finger into the running water, making the tip of it feel numb. Once the blood began to come less, I searched through the medicine cupboard to try and find the first aid box. Charlie knew at times I could be such a cluts and so to make sure I could find the first aid box he would put it in plain sight for me to see. But he's not here now. I sighed and pealed the cover off of the plaster, placing it over the cut with precision. When finished, I began to reach for the handle of the cupboard when I heard a knock at the front door. I don't remember planning to have someone round, maybe it's Marcus coming over here from out of the blue? But then again, if it was him, he would just walk straight through the door without knocking. I started to make my way through the hallway to the front door. Gripping the door handle tightly, I sucked in  deep breath and opened the door. 

"It's been a while".

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