Chapter Five- Why?

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Michaels POV

I sat in Mother's embrace, my heart broken. What was I supposed to do? I was so lost right now. Doctor Herbley walked toward me breaking my deep thoughts.
"Hello Mr Jackson, I have some news regarding Imogen's condition. Could we please discuss this privately?" he asked sympathetically. "Sure" I croaked, my throat hurt from crying so much.

I followed him into an office silently and leaned against the wall.  "So as I was saying, I have some news about Imogen's condition" he said seriously. "Yes?" I asked impatiently. "Well she has amnesia caused by her head  injury but we're not sure how long it will last. Unfortunately test results suggest it may take a while. However, every case varies in time. Also we found some deep cuts on her arm, we believe they could be from self harm" Dr Herbley said in a calm voice but it made little difference. My daughter didn't remember me and she had been self harming! She must feel so lonely, I just wanted to break down in tears. "Is there any way I can help her?" I asked hopefully.  "Well it could help to watch some family videos or for her to see some family and friends. Self harm is a complicated thing and I am not specialised in that area. However, I recommend that you make a big effort in supporting Imogen and just see how she goes" he said reassuringly. Well I didn't have any family videos since I had only been looking after Imogen for a few weeks so I suppose I'd organise another family day. And all I wanted to do was help and support her through this. I will.

"Okay thank you" I replied sadly.  "You're very welcome, do you have any other questions" Dr Herbley asked.
"No" I replied emotionlessly. I was completely exhausted and just wanted to help Imogen to get through this.
"Okay well you can take Imogen home now but be careful of her head. We've had to put stitches in to close the cut" he warned. I nodded speechlessly and he gave me an understanding look before walking away. I walked back into Imogen's hospital room and saw her hugging Mother. "Mother where is everyone?" I asked noticing the empty room. "They went back to the house to see your cousins" she said calmly. "Oh okay um could I speak to you outside please?" I asked, giving her a serious look. "Of course Michael, I'll be back okay Imogen" she said in a motherly tone.

I walked into the hall with Mother by my side.
"What did the doctor say?" she asked, concern filling her gentle eyes. I began explaining everything that I had just been told.

Imogen's POV

The man who claimed he was my Dad walked out the room with the woman who said was my Grandma. I didn't remember them though, I didn't remember anyone or anything about my life which included my past. I only remembered waking up in this hospital. It made me really upset because I felt really lonely right now. My "family" were really nice to me but that wasn't the same as remembering them. A few minutes later the man and woman walked back into the room. "Come on Imogen lets go home" the man sighed and held my hand. "Okay" I said hesitantly. I couldn't remember my home and I was nervous about what might happen. I had a lot to remember, I hope I do soon.

We drove in a limo and parked outside of some really big gates. "Neverland" was written above them in gold letters. I wondered what that meant. The gates opened and we drove inside. It was really big and the gardens were beautiful. "Where are we?" I asked pulling Michaels arm. I learned his name when he was talking on the phone a while ago. "This is your home" he said sadly.
"Oh... okay!" I replied eagerly. I couldn't even believe this was my home but I loved it already.

5 minutes later we parked outside a really big house and Michael got out the car. He came to my side and helped me get out. We walked up a gravel path and a man dressed in a suit opened the doors for us. "Welcome home baby girl how about we go get you changed?" Michael said, picking me up. He walked up some wooden stairs, down a long hallway to some double doors and opened them. The room was gorgeous, it was mostly red, with a lot of toys and pictures. It was also as big as a house. Michael walked inside and put me on the bed. He jogged into a closet and came out holding a white t shirt and pink skirt. He helped me get out of the hospital gown and get dressed. He walked back into the closet, grabbed some silver sandals and a hairbrush. He helped me do the buckles on my shoes and stared brushing my hair.
"Do you want to look at some photos?" he questioned as he put the brush back. "Yes!" I exclaimed excitedly. I loved to look at pictures. Michael picked up a pink photo album and sat next to me on the bed. He opened it and there were lots of people in the pictures. We looked at lots of photos, one even showed Michael with a cream pie being thrown in his face. I started laughing really hard at that one.

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