Chapter Eleven- Accusations

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Imogen's POV

I woke up feeling happy. I walked into my closet and put on a yellow sundress and some black ballet flats. When I finished getting ready I ran downstairs to the kitchen and saw Dad sitting at the island.
"Good morning Daddy" I said cheerfully and hugged him. "Good morning Imogen, how did you sleep?" he asked. I could tell he was distracted by something. "Pretty well... is everything okay Dad you seem distracted?" I asked as I grabbed an orange and sat across from him. "Well I have something exciting to tell you, well two things actually" he said smiling. "Oh okay, what's happening?" I asked with an orange segment in my mouth. He chuckled and leaned on the island. "Well firstly, I've enrolled you into school" he said shyly. I coughed chocking on the orange a little.

"And" I asked shocked by the development. "And Lisa and I are getting married" he added happily. "What when?" I asked surprised. "Next Saturday" he said happily.
"That's wonderful!" I shrieked as I jumped on him hugging him tightly."Yes it is. And you of course will be the flower girl" he said tapping my nose.
"I can't wait!" I replied excitedly.

"Well I have to go to the studio today but Lisa is here. See you tonight baby girl" he said kissing my forehead and walked out. Only to come running back in. "Also you start school tomorrow so she's going to take you shopping" he added and ran out the door. I was really happy because Lisa and I hadn't spent a lot of time together since we started actually getting along, Dad was going to marry Lisa but it also made me sad because I missed my birth Mother. I didn't think of her as my mum though because I didn't know her but I missed her as a friend."Are you ready to go sweetheart?" Lisa asked as she walked into the room.
"Yeah I'm really excited!" I exclaimed as I walked to the front door. Lisa followed behind me and grabbed her handbag. We walked outside and got into her car, driving out of Neverland. A car of bodyguards followed behind us for safety. "So are you having fun living with your Dad?" she asked looking at me. "Yes it's so fun! You and Dad are so fun and I love you guys " I gushed. She smiled and turned the radio on. Dads song, "Will You Be There" was playing and I listened intently. This was one of my favourite songs of all time.

We arrived at the mall and I was grateful that there was only a small crowd. We went to a clothes store and bought some school shirts along with some dresses and shoes. We also got some stationary and went to KFC for lunch. I even bought extra for Dad. By the time we got back to Neverland it was 4 pm. I sat on the couch and watched TV for a while. A segment came on about the child molestation accusations against Dad and how he was marrying Lisa. I couldn't keep holding it in anymore and I started crying. "Imogen what's wrong?" Lisa asked as she walked into the room. She sat down next to me and pulled me on to her lap as I sobbed. "It isn't true!" I yelled through my crying. I ran upstairs and into Dads room. I grabbed one of his shirts and hugged it tightly. I climbed onto his bed and cried myself to sleep.

"Imogen wake up" Dad said gently shaking me. I sat up and rubbed my eyes realising my face was wet from crying.
"What's wrong? Why were you crying?" Dad asked worriedly. "I....I...I can't tell you, you'll get really mad" I stuttered. "Imogen listen to me you can tell me anything in the world and I will never stop loving you" he said sitting next to me."Okay well, I know about the accusations against you and I lied to you. I love Lisa as my Mum now but she did mean things to me before" I said quietly.
"Why didn't you tell me?" he asked and sat on the bed next to me, wiping away my tears. "I was scared you would be mad at me for knowing because you didn't want me too and I didn't have a choice. Lisa told me that I would never see you again and I thought you loved her more than me so I did what she told me. I didn't want to lose you. And she hurt me, she threw me off my bed and that's how I hurt my arm. I'm so sorry Dad and I know you still love her and I do too but I'm still sometimes scared of her" I said crying hysterically and Dad covered my ears and yelled at the top of his lungs.
"LISA MARIE PRESLEY GET THE FUCK IN HERE RIGHT NOW!!!" He boomed so loudly that I jumped. "Yes Michael?" she asked innocently, rushing into the room. "Maybe you would like to explain to the police why you think it's okay to hurt small innocent children" he yelled. Lisa looked over at me with hurt in her eyes. "I was scared to lose you Michael and I know that isn't an excuse but I love you so much. Imogen and I get along now, I apologised because I realised how much I really loved her and she forgave me" she sobbed, her make up running down her face.

"Daddy, it's true" I croaked after a moment of silence. He looked at me and nodded. "Under normal circumstances I could never forgive what you have done to Imogen" he paused and sighed. "But if she can forgive you after all of that, I can too" he finished, plainly. Lisa ran over to him crying, and hugged Dad tightly. He hesitated, looking at me for approval and I smiled. He finally wrapped his arms around her as they kissed.

"Thank you Michael, I love you" Lisa whispered as they pulled away. "I love you too" Dad replied as they continued to hug.He looked up to me and motioned for me to join the hug. I smiled and jumped on them. We all fell back on the bed, laughing as we shared the group hug.

To Be Continued.....

Authors Note

Aw family moments, things are looking up for the Jackson family. We'll see what happens.

Share the LOVE and peace out

Dreamer_2_Believer 💜💙💚💛

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