Chapter Twenty Four- A New Beginning

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7th August 1995

Michaels POV

I walked into the La Loft Apartments and nodded approvingly. It was a nice looking place. "MICHAEL!" I heard someone scream from behind me. I turned around and saw a fan as she ran towards me. A bodyguard caught her and she cried.
"Michael can I have a hug please?" She asked desperately. I nodded to the guard and he let her go and I was attacked with a hug. "What's your name?" I asked kindly."Ch....Charlotte" she stuttered. "What a beautiful name!" I exclaimed. "Thank you! Can I have an autograph please?" she cried and handed me her "Dangerous" album. "Of course! Do you have a pen?" I asked enthusiastically.b"No" she said sadly. "Here you are sweetie" Lisa smiled and handed Charlotte a pen.
"You're Li..Lisa Marie Presley!" She screamed. Lisa nodded nonchalantly and I scribbled a message on the the album. The girl fell to the floor. I rushed down to her side and saw that she had fainted. "Oh my gosh, Bill get her some water!" I instructed my bodyguard and he nodded running off. Another bodyguard took his jacket off and placed her head on it gently. I heard louder screams and looked up worriedly. "Michael more fans are coming you need to leave. We'll look after the girl" Bill said frantically as he ran to us with the water. I was hesitant but stood up and handed the album to a bodyguard and grabbed Imogen's hand. We rushed to the elevator and went to the top floor. I had rented the entire floor until we found somewhere more permanent to live. "Honey which room are we staying in?" Lisa asked as we walked down the corridor. "Room 1435" I replied after a moment. She nodded and we walked to the room, which was at the very end of the corridor. I pulled out the key and unlocked it. We all gasped at the suite. The wallpaper was an off white with a black and white theme. I looked around and there was a living room, bathroom, kitchen and dining area and two bedrooms one with an ensuite. I looked at the time and it was 4:47pm. I didn't realise it was so much later in the time but we had traveled halfway around the world so it made sense. Surprisingly, I wasn't jet lagged in the slightest, quite the contrary. "Dad can we get something to eat?" Imogen whined. I laughed and nodded. "Yeah we can go out to eat but when we get back we have to unpack, deal?" I asked and held out my pinkie. "Deal, now let's get some food!" She exclaimed.

"Imogen go put something nice on first" I instructed looking at her casual t-shirt and sweatpants. She sighed and walked to the room that her suitcases were in. I looked at Lisa who smiled. "Are you okay baby?" I asked snapping her out of her daydream. "Yeah I'm fine lets go get ready" she said pulling me into the bedroom.

I got dressed in a white shirt, black jacket and blue skinny jeans. Lisa looked at me surprised and smiled.
"Well don't you look sexy?" she teased. "Oh please look who's talking, gorgeous" I grinned. Lisa was wearing a long black gown which looked beautiful on her. "Aren't you smooth?" she giggled and wrapped her arms around me as we kissed passionately.
"Okay I'm ready, can we go now?" Imogen trailed off as she saw us kissing. "Yes we're leaving now" I announced breaking away from the kiss instantly. I pulled Lisa by the waist, taking her by surprise. She smiled broadly as we walked down the corridor and into the elevator. Bodyguards surrounded us as Imogen walked out of the elevator followed by Lisa and I. We exited through the lobby and cameras flashed brightly. Imogen smiled and waved as she strutted to the limo. She had gotten more comfortable around the cameras and paparazzi lately. We climbed into the limo and the driver rolled down the partition. "Where to Mr Jackson?" He asked professionally.

"The finest restaurant in town" I replied nonchalantly. "Sure thing MJ" he announced and I rolled the partition up again.

After about half an hour we arrived outside a large building with "Italiano Souvrè" written in cursive on the front. I put on my aviators and got out of the limo as the paparazzi went crazy. I waited for Lisa and Imogen and we walked inside together. "Mr Jackson. We have the finest table for you" a waiter insisted as we entered the room. He led us to a large booth at the back of the restaurant and handed us some menus. "Just give a shout when your ready to order" he added and walked away. "So I have good news!" Lisa announced, breaking the silence. "What's that dear?" I asked curiously, smiling at her. "Well I was looking at houses earlier and found one that seems perfect" she said happily. "Lisa that's wonderful!" I said Excitedly.
"Awesome Mum" Imogen added, jumping into the conversation. "We can go look at it tomorrow if you want?" She asked. "Yes!" Imogen and I exclaimed at the same time. "Okay then" she smiled. "Have you decided what you want?" The same waiter as before asked. "Oh yes a pappardelle with butternut squash browned butter and chard. A pasta primavera and a margarita pizza. Also a cola and bottle of your finest champagne" I ordered. He nodded and soon after our food came. "To a new beginning, cheers" Lisa and I toasted and drank our champagne. We spent the rest of the night celebrating.

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