Final Chapter; Dedicated To Michael Jackson

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Thank you for reading my book! I wanted to finish it with a dedication to the inspiration and my idol, Michael Jackson.

So here's a bit of a back story on why this book started and how it got here.
I've been a fully dedicated MJ fan since I was about 10 years old. (I'm 18 now)
I don't remember a lot from that long ago but I'm pretty sure I became a fan because my Dad owned The Essential Michael Jackson album. I guess I must've heard it because I became totally obsessed instantly.
Skipping ahead a bit, same age and all. My parents were buying me anything MJ related. I loved it, I loved Michael.

Unfortunately, by this time it was already 2009 and honestly I can't remember the order of everything that happened but I was 11 when he passed away. 😢
I hate to admit that when I found out, it didn't bother me nearly as much as it does now BUT I know that I was a fan before June 25th. My love for MJ was still growing and I don't think I completely understood the concept of death and what it actually meant.

A few months later, in September the worst day of my life came. I lost my Dad and I was 100%
heartbroken. 💔
I became depressed and one of the things I most distinctively remember is dreading my dance classes. I stopped attending a lot of them because we were rehearsing a dance to Beat It.
I don't know why but I linked the memory of Michael to the memories of my Father.
Probably because he was the only other fan of Michael in my family.

There have been some times that MJ became something distant to me. I wasn't not a fan but simply got distracted by life.

Skipping forward again, I was in high school, probably about 15 and doing my own thing.
I always loved to dance so I did dance classes there too.
One day my teacher said we would be learning a new dance that we'd perform a few weeks later.
Well guess what? She played the song for the routine and it was Black Or White.
At that moment, all my love and a whole lot more for Michael Jackson hit me.
Again I was the most dedicated fan. Over time I actually began to annoy people with how much I talked about him. No kidding because it was A LOT.
Everyone knew how obsessed I was with him. To the point that for my birthday my Mum bought me a $500 MJ statue!

I'm not exactly sure how this next thing came about but I was talking to some of my friends and they told me about Wattpad. I instantly loved the idea of writing books online and joined. That's when I wrote my first book "Love Lives Forever", a fan fiction about MJ. (LIES! My first book is one I didn't put online, it's called "The Positive Thinking Handbook")
Unfortunately I was unhappy with "Love Lives Forever" because of my writing abilities at the time so I deleted the entire thing without a backup copy.

I don't remember if I had already started writing this book but it was definitely my second book on here.
I didn't realise at the time but my writing skills were still amateur so I wrote the entire thing with bad grammar and plot mistakes.
After I finished the book I kind of just left it, concentrating on writing better in my other works.
Over time I just left it there, sitting on my profile for anyone to read.

A couple of times I contemplated rewriting it because I saw that you guys were still voting and commenting. I realised that if people liked the experimental and unedited version that it could only get better if I gave the entire thing a "makeover".
A simple but effective problem stood in the way of that happening.
Once again, I was distracted with life and personal issues therefore I lost my motivation to write and took a break from Wattpad, updating on rare occasions.

To be honest with you guys it seems like a roller coaster to me because the priority Michael holds in me is continually changing.
But there is one thing I am definitely sure of and that is Michael undoubtedly belongs in my life. Whenever it ever slips my mind, fate steps in and reminds me.
As it is now, I mean I just edited this whole book in 2 days! I spent my whole day doing it because it all of a sudden meant so much to me.
Michael means so much to me! I honestly can't wait to start rewriting the sequel because I don't want to stop it here.

It's all because of Michael Jackson and his influence on me. That's why this whole book has been dedicated to him. Not only because it's about him but because he is my influence and inspiration to write at all right now. I will always have a passion for writing but he is the drive to keep me going with it.
I don't know if that makes sense to you guys because it is hard to explain but I know that fate is at play and it always will be.


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