Chapter Twenty One- Reaching Out For The Ones You Love

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That same day...

Michael's POV

"Lunch time, Imogen!" I called from the kitchen. "Coming Dad" she called back and ran in to the kitchen shortly after. "What's for lunch?" She asked as she sat on a stool at the island.
"Tofu tacos" Lisa said happily as she placed the platter of ingredients on the island. "Yummy!" Imogen exclaimed, already putting together her taco."Patience Imogen, first we have to say grace" I reminded her and sat next to Lisa. Imogen sighed and placed the taco on her plate. After we said grace, Imogen got started with eating. I looked at Lisa and she gave me a reassuring nod. "Imogen" I said, instantly getting her attention. "Yes Dad?" She asked, looking up at me. "Firstly, you've got sour cream on your nose" I giggled, wiping it away with a napkin. "And secondly your Mother and I have some good news" I explained, taking hold of Lisa's hand. "What's going on?" She asked, looking between Lisa and I suspiciously. "Well..... You're going to have a baby brother or sister!" I announced happily. "What? Mums pregnant? You two must have had some fun?" She said suggestively and smirked.
"Imogen Michael Kateline Jackson, that is not appropriate language!" Lisa scolded her as I just sat there blushing. "I'm sorry but that's just so exciting!" She shrieked. "I know hun" Lisa smiled. "And we're going on a holiday" I added, finally. "What? Really? Where? When?" Imogen rambled on, getting ahead of herself.
"Calm down Imogen... and we're letting you choose where we go" Lisa stated. "Oh my gosh! really? Can we go to Australia?" She asked, excitedly. "Sure baby girl if that's what you want, pack your things because we are going to leave tomorrow" I said happily. "Thank you so much guys, you are so awesome" she said pulling Lisa and I into a group hug before running upstairs.

Imogen's POV

I ran upstairs like a bullet. I was going to Australia! It had always been a dream of mine to go there. I loved so many things about it, especially the Sydney opera house. I walked into my room and pulled a Chanel suitcase from under my bed. "I'm going to Australia" I sang to myself as I filled the suitcase with everything I would need. I then realised that I didn't know how long we were going there for. "Dad!" I yelled as loudly as I could, you have to remember that this house was huge! "Yes?" He called back. "Can you help me pack?" I called again. "Sure, just give me a second" he agreed. A couple of minutes later Dad walked into my room. "What do you need help with?" he asked sweetly.
"I don't know how much to pack. How long will we be gone?" I asked. "We're going there for a while, maybe even living there for a while. We are going to wait until your sibling is born. So just pack what you can and we can go shopping later" he explained. "Okay dad" I said smiling and he helped me pack the rest of my things.

That night

Michaels POV

It was 11pm so I decided to go to bed since we had to leave early the next day. "Michael baby can you please get me some pain killers? It's only a few weeks into this pregnancy and my back already hurts like hell" Lisa asked as she walked, well limped to me. "Sure baby, you go lie down and I'll be up in a minute" I smiled and gave her a peck on the lips. Lisa walked upstairs and I headed into the kitchen to make her a small snack to have before the medicine. I pulled out a loaf of bread and spread some jam onto a slice. Lisa had a craving for it lately. I put the ingredients away and opened a high cabinet which stored all our medical supplies. I grabbed a pill bottle and poured a cup of orange juice. I placed everything onto a serving tray and walked upstairs and into my bedroom. I spotted Lisa lied on the sofa sobbing quietly. I placed the tray on the coffee table and squatted beside her. "Lisa honey, what are you doing on the sofa?" I asked, wiping away her tears with my thumb.

"It hurts so much Michael, I was in to much pain to walk up the stairs to bed" she cried. I nodded understandingly, it could definitely be inconvenient having a two story bedroom.
My heart broke for her, my poor wife was in so much pain. I picked Lisa up bridal style as she lied half asleep in my arms. I walked up the stairs being careful not to disturb her and placed her gently on the bed. "Michael?" she called weakly."Yeah baby?" I asked and sat on the edge of the bed. "Thank you for being you" she replied, smiling through her tears. "No Lisa thank you for being here for me" I smiled and kissed her on the forehead.

I quickly jogged down the stairs and got the tray of food. I sat beside Lisa and fed her. As she lied on my chest. She sat up sleepily and put the pills in her mouth before taking a swig of juice. She lied down again as I stroked her hair. After a few minutes I heard soft snores and noticed she was sleeping peacefully.
I looked at the clock and it was already 12am. I suppose I had better check on Imogen since I hadn't seen her since she went to bed a couple of hours ago. I got up slowly, being careful to not wake Lisa up. I quickly walked to Imogen's room and heard music playing softly.

I opened the door and saw her surrounded by a circle of candles, my song "Will You Be There" playing softly in the background. Imogen kneeled on the floor and it looked as though she was praying. I could hear her speaking to herself.

"Here I am and I am me,
I am whole and I am free,
I am one and I'm a treat,
I am one and I'm complete.

Only one can laugh or cry,
Only one can bring and buy,
Only one can give me love,
Only one sun shines above.

I am here and I am free,
I decide my destiny,
Make my day and make my night,
Make them gorgeous, make them bright.

I am taking care of ME,
Help and comfort lovingly;
And no matter who YOU are -
I am ME, and I'm a STAR!"

She spoke, lowly, raising her voice at some points reading from a piece of paper on the floor. "Imogen, what are you doing?" I asked, I was very concerned about her now. Her head shot up and she looked blankly at me for a second.?"You can't be in here, the spell won't work with witnesses!" She yelled and dropped to the floor. She pulled her knees up and began crying.
"Imogen?" I asked, not even sure of how to react. She looked up at me and fear filled her eyes. I walked over slowly and sat beside her. I scooped her into my embrace and rocked her gently. "Baby girl what's wrong?" I cooed quietly."You're going to leave me and Jake will come back and hurt me" she cried hysterically. "Shh Imogen I promise I will never leave you and he's never going to come back" I reassured her and hugged her tighter. "Do you really love me?" She asked, her teary eyes staring directly into mine. "I love you more than anything Imogen. My love for you is unconditional" I cried. My daughter didn't think I loved her. It literally felt like my heart broke into a million pieces all over again.
"Thank you Daddy, I can't live without you. You saved my life" she cried. "Shh shh it's alright" I hushed her. She hugged me tighter than ever before, I could feel her fear and sadness. By now I had managed to stop crying, my strength was Imogen and I needed to be strong for her.

"Can I sleep with you and mommy? It's lonely in here" she sobbed. "Of course baby girl, whatever makes you feel better " I whispered and stood up. Imogen sat in my arms with her head lied on my shoulder. I walked to my bedroom and placed her next to Lisa. "I'm scared Dad" she admitted. I held her in my arms, stroking her hair until eventually we both fell asleep.

To be continued.
Random Quiz Question

Who gave Michael his pet elephant and what was the elephants name?

Answer for a shout out in the next chapter :)

Dreamer_2_Believer ❤️

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