Chapter Twelve- A Plastic Life

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Imogen's POV

I woke up and realised I was still in Dads bed. I got up and went downstairs into the kitchen. Dad and Mum (Lisa) were kissing near the oven. I cleared my throat and they pulled away quickly and looked at me. "Good morning Imogen" they said in unison, I could see Dad blushing deeply at being caught. "Good morning Mum, morning applehead" I replied, giggling and sat at the island. Dad looked surprised for a second before deciding to ignore my comment out of obvious embarrassment. "Are you excited for your first day of school?" He asked as he sat next to me. "Yeah definitely" I said excitedly.
"That's good I'm going to drive you" Mum added, placing a plate of eggs in front of me. I ate silently as Mum and Dad talked. "Dad can you come with us?" I asked after a while, looking up at him. "Um I can't Imogen, I have work but you can come see me after school if you want" he offered while rubbing the nape of his neck.
"Sure I've never seen you work before. It'd be cool" I said happily. "Okay I'll drop you off after school but you need to get ready" Mum urged, clapping her hands.
"Okay" I agreed and jumped up then went to my room. I walked to my closet and put on a red off the shoulder top, jeans and black flats. I put my hair in a bun and put on some bracelets. "Imogen time to go!" Mum yelled from downstairs. "Coming!" I yelled back, grabbing my new school bag and ran downstairs. "You look nice, are you ready?" She asked as she grabbed her car keys.
"Yep" I said nervously, popping the p.

"Oh don't sound so nervous you'll do fine. I'll see you tonight I love you baby" Dad encouraged and hugged me tightly. "Okay I love you too Dad" I replied with a smile.
"That's my girl!" He exclaimed, tapping my nose and stood up giving Mum a kiss. "Ew not when I'm around" I yelled grabbing Mums hand and pulling her out the door. We got in the car and started driving to the school. We sat in silence until I turned the radio on. "You Are Not Alone" started playing loudly. "I love this song!" I hollered happily and sang along until we got to the school. Mum pulled into a large parking lot and stopped the car. "Do you want me to come in with you?" She asked, slightly concerned.
"No I'll be fine besides in all honesty your Lisa Marie Presley and that's bound to attract some attention " I pointed out and unbuckled my seat belt. "Right, you do have a point there. Have a great day sweetie" she laughed and kissed me on the cheek.

I grabbed my bag and got out of the car, slamming the door shut. Wow this school was massive! I walked into a nearby building hoping to find someone to help me. "Hello can I help you?" a woman behind the reception desk asked. "Um yeah I'm new here and I'm not sure what to do" I replied nervously. "Oh alright then what's your name dear?" she asked nicely.
"Imogen Jackson" I mumbled shyly. She looked at me with a shocked expression and cleared her throat. "Okay Imogen here is your timetable, class starts in five minutes. Do you need some help finding it?" she asked, passing me a timetable. I nodded shyly. "Sierra" she called out and a fair skinned girl with red hair came over.
"Yes miss?" she asked politely. "This is Imogen, she's new to the school and I was wondering if you could help her around?" the woman asked. "Of course! Hey I'm Sierra" she said shaking my hand. "Nice to meet you" I replied quietly. The bell rang and we began walking to class. "Can I see your timetable?" she asked and I nodded, handing it to her.
"Okay we have the same classes actually" She stated.
"Okay" I replied feeling a little bit relieved. We went to English and Sierra introduced me to her friends Paige and Emma. We then had maths and a group of girls kept staring at me. I just shrugged it off and kept doing my work. It was now break and I was in the bathroom. I fixed my hair and put some lip stick on. When I turned around one of the girls from maths class was standing there.

"Hi I'm Adrian and you are?" she asked eagerly. "Imogen" I replied simply, something seemed off about this girl. "Oh hun that's terrible what's your middle name?" she asked. "Um Kateline" I said confused. "Ew um we'll work on that later" she replied.
"Excuse me? Did you actually need something or?" I asked sassily. "Don't be silly, you're the new girl and I've decided to let you hang out with me and my friends" she said, pulling me into the cafeteria to a table full of people. "So this is Tiffany, Vivian and Georgia. Girls this is Imogen" she said cheerfully. "Hey" they all said in unison. "Come sit" Vivian said patting a chair. I sat down hesitantly but why shouldn't I, they seemed nice. Weird but nice.

"Imogen what are you doing sitting with the plastics?" Come sit with us" Sierra asked walking over to the table. "Get your facts right dork she's our friend . Where did you even get such a pathetic name? Just go sit with your wanna be friends and keep dreaming" Adrian said intimidatingly and everyone laughed. "Whatever Imogen, it's just like a plastic to lie but your obviously a natural" Sierra said sounding annoyed and walked off.
"Okay newbie, time to learn the rules. You laugh when we laugh. You always wear the in trends and you never hang out with the wannabes. You break any of the above and your out. You stick with us and your school royalty. It's your choice so are you in?" Adrian asked smiling. "I'm in" I answered nonchalantly. "Good so spill, why are you here? Everyone has a reason whether it's money, fame or talent. What's yours?" she asked seriously. "Um, my parents are famous" I said shyly. "Oh who are they?" Georgia interjected excitedly. "Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley " I whispered. "Oh My God you're joking!" they all gasped at me. "No I'm totally serious but you can't tell anyone" I added desperately.

"Of course we couldn't reveal a secret this big now could we?" Adrian stated mysteriously and everyone else nodded. The rest of the day flew by. I had health, home economics and environmental studies. Adrian, Vivian and Georgia were in all of them so I spent the rest of the day with them.

But so were Sierra, Emma and Paige, they kept giving me evil looks. I felt so bad even though I barely knew them. Oh well. On the bright side everyone in the school knew who I was already. Not as Michael Jackson's daughter but as Imogen Jackson, the new popular girl and my own person.

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