Chapter Twenty Nine- Family Day

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Michael's POV

Secrets, they hold so much power but create so many questions. That's how I felt right now. I had a sister that was a secret from me, from everyone. I combed my hair furiously and covered it with a fedora. I grabbed a flannel shirt and jeans and got dressed quickly before walking down the hall to Imogen's room. I knocked on the door and opened it slowly. She was nowhere in sight. "Imogen?" I called as I walked inside. "Yeah Dad?" she asked, walking out of her bathroom. She was dressed in a red casual dress and black flats with a silver scarf draped around her neck. "You look nice. We have family coming over today y'know?" I reminded her and jumped onto the bed playfully.

"I know, you told me the other day" she said and rolled her eyes jumping on the bed with me. I laughed and she squealed, clinging onto my back as she lost her balance. I shook my head in amusement and continued bouncing on the bed, basically giving her a piggy back.

Lisa walked into the bedroom and furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "What are you doing?" She asked, giving us a shocked stare. "What's it look like? We're jumping. Come on join us!" I insisted, pulling her onto the bed.
"Michael, we shouldn't" I cut her off by pressing my lips against hers, passionately. Imogen climbed off my back and covered her eyes in disgust. I smiled into the kiss as Lisa and I basically made out. I know, not the best place to do it but we weren't doing anything too bad. I giggled at the thought and squeezed Lisa's butt as her hands tangled in my hair. We fell back on the bed and I left a trail of butterfly kisses down Lisa's neck as she moaned softly.

"Oh my gosh" Our heads snapped up to see a crowd of people watching us. I looked at Lisa and she was blushing crimson red. I gave an embarrassed laugh and sat up, helping Lisa stand up.
"What on earth were you thinking Michael?" Mother scolded me as I walked to the door. I stayed silent and looked around. Mother, Janet, Imogen, Jackie, Marlon, La Toya and Randy were all here giving us a shocked stare. I shrugged my shoulders and gave a closed mouth smile. "Michael, someone is here to meet you" Janet sighed as everyone moved aside.

A middle aged woman with brown hair stood there with a nervous expression on her face. "Hi I'm Sonya" she introduced herself, barely above a whisper and held her hand out. "I'm Michael" I said warmly, shaking her hand. Although I was embarrassed at the fact that she had just witnessed that little display with Lisa. She smiled and looked down. "So, I've explained everything to you all. Sonya is my daughter and of course you're sister... And Auntie" Mother said lowly as she looked around the room awkwardly. We all nodded and smiled as the room fell into an extremely awkward silence. "Would anyone like some lunch? I've organised a barbecue outside" I announced, scratching my head. Everyone nodded and followed me outside to the large pavilion. I grabbed Lisa's hand and smiled.
"Are you okay, baby?" I asked as she looked down and nodded. "I'm fine just a little embarrassed about before" she assured me. I squeezed her hand reassuringly and kissed her forehead.

We were all sitting at the table outside and eating silently. I was sitting next to Imogen and Lisa. Sonya sat down opposite me.

"So Sonya, what do you do for a living?" Marlon asked testily. I glared at him and sighed quietly. "I'm a chef at a local cafe north in the city" she stuttered nervously. "Interesting, do you have any children?" La Toya asked, jumping into the conversation. "I have three daughters and 11 grandchildren" she answered slowly. I smiled sympathetically, these guys were giving her a hard time. "That's nice, we'd love to meet them" I said happily, trying to lighten up the mood.
"That would be nice, my granddaughter is a big fan of yours Michael" she smiled. "I'm glad, it's nice to know she enjoys my music" I replied humbly. Sonya nodded and placed a spoonful of food In her mouth. We finished lunch and I clapped my hands excitedly, getting everyone's attention. "Who wants to have a water balloon fight?" I asked. Everyone's hands shot up and they started talking excitedly. Sonya just looked confused and shrugged to herself. I smiled and walked over to her. "Do you like water balloon fights?" I questioned and shoved my hands in my pockets casually. She jumped and grabbed her chest. "Michael, you scared me!" She exclaimed, shoving me gently. I giggled and swatted her hand away playfully.
"I've never been in a water balloon fight before" she added, playing with her fingers. My eyes bulged in shock. "Are you serious?" I asked, I didn't expect that. She nodded shyly and looked down.

I whistled and everyone's heads shot in our direction. "Well Sonya has never been in a water balloon fight before so it's only fair she's on my team" I announced as she blushed and everyone laughed. "The teams are Janet, Lisa, Imogen, La Toya and Jackie against myself, Sonya, Randy and Marlon" I announced and everyone nodded approvingly.
I grinned and looked at my watch. "Each team has twenty minutes to prepare for the water balloon fight and go!" I said running to the hose. I overheard Janet talking to Sonya. "You're lucky to be on Mikes team, he really is the Michael Jordan of water balloon fights" she explained and I smiled to myself. "Really why do people call him that?" Sonya asked confused. "Because he's never lost before but that's about to change because our team is going to win" Janet said smirking.

"Not going to happen dunk!" I yelled, laughing. She frowned realising that I was listening to her. "Ten minutes guys!" I yelled, tying another balloon.

I ran across the grass as Lisa chased me with a balloon in her hand. She threw it with all her might. "Missed me!" I laughed, turning around and quickly squirting her with the super soaker I was holding.
"Lisa's out!" I yelled, running away. "That leaves Mike, Sonya and Imogen!" I heard someone yell. I ran back to the hose and grabbed two water balloons. I climbed a tree nearby and waited. Soon enough Imogen came out with nothing in her hands. I smiled and dropped one of the balloons on her head. She squealed and looked up at me frowning. "Dad!" She whined, running to the porch and grabbing a towel. "Let's make things interesting, Sonya against Mike!" I heard Janet say. "Fine with me" I said climbing down the tree.
"Any last words?" I heard someone ask from behind me. I turned around and saw Sonya aiming a super soaker at me. "Uh yeah, look!" I yelled, pointing to the other direction. "What?" She asked looking away. I ducked and ran around the tree. She looked back at where I was standing but by now I had managed to run to the opposite side of her.

"Looking for me?" I laughed throwing my last water balloon at her. She groaned and held her hands up in surrender. "Mike wins, again" Marlon announced. "You are good" Sonya said, agreeing with everyone else. "Thanks" I replied nonchalantly and walked over to the table, grabbing a bottle of water. I felt water hit the back of my head and touched it.
"What the heck?" I mumbled to myself and turned around. Imogen was holding a super soaker and everyone was laughing hysterically. I put the water bottle down and chased her into the field.

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