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Harry POV

Beep Beep Beep

I woke up to the beeping of my alarm clock. I didn't want to wake up. My bed was always more comfortable in the morning that it was at night. I looked up at the clock and it read 6:00 a.m. Who the fuck wakes up and 6 in the morning?! Apparently I do. Curse my life. Not really. My life is ok, I guess. I have been lying in bed for at least 10 minutes. I guess I have to get up at some point.

My room was still dark as I tried to look for my phone. I fumbled off my bed and onto the floor. I hissed as my war, nude skin touched the freezing cold floor, landing on my bum. This is why I hate school days. I turned on my phone and my eyes burned as the bright light shone on my face.

"Fuck", I muttered trying to adjust my eyes to the light.

I texted Louis to see if he was up.

To: Louis

Hey dude, you up?

I got no response, guess he's asleep. Probably, it's 6 in the morning ,the dork barely makes it to class in the morning, but I shouldn't say that, I'm just as bad. The only reason I'm somewhat late is because Louis and I drive to school together. I gues you could call us "The rich best friends". But neither of us are spoiled, our parents just happen to make much more money than they needed. Besides we don't really spend much, we just spend money on movies, tattoos (well I do, not sure if Louis has any), food, and some other nonsense that I can't think of right now.

I took a shower and was feeling refreshed, I quickly changed into a black tank top with a red and white checkered button up over it. I then put on black skinny jeans. I know, I'm very stylish, my name is Harry Styles for a reason. I didn't bother to button up my shirt, because I knew I looked good.

I ran downstairs and ate cereal as I waited for Louis to wake up and drive his lazy arse here. I waited about 5 minutes 'till I got a text from Louis.

From: Louis

NO! But I guess I am now, I'll be there in about 10 minutes.

I waited about 8 minutes until Louis' black Range Rover pulled up on the driveway. I glanced at the clock at it read 7:38, school starts at 7:50. Hmm, a little early, I thought to myself as I stood up to walk to the door. My mum was at work, she goes in at 5 a.m. so I never saw her in the morning, but oh well, I guess I got used to it.

I grabbed my bag and headed out the door, I quickly scrambled into the passenger side of the car and buckled up. I turned to face Louis as he started to drive.

"Hey dork, you sleep well?" Already knowing the answer by the way Louis looked exhausted. But it didn't hurt to ask. He answered keeping his eyes on the road,

"No, I barely got any sleep, I think maybe 4 hours of sleep."

Sucks to be you, I slep perfectly fine, like a baby",I said smirking.

Our conversation was short because our school wasn't that long of a drive, he parked in a space.

"Whatever", he muttered as he got out if the car.

I quickly followed after him and jumped on his back because why not? He seemed to be more awake and alarmed as he quickly yelles at me.

"What the fuck?! Harry get off of me, you're so fat!" he yelled.

"Never, now ride like the wind!" I yelled back, laughing because of how mad Louis looked.

"No, now get off!"


I jumped off of Louis and he yelled at me while I was still laughing.

"Why did you do that?"

"Because I can", I said using my innocent voice and put on the most innocent look I could.

"That's not a good enough excuse, I'm mad at you." Louis said crossing his arms and lifting his chin to express how mad he was. He looked funny my I managed to stop myself from laughing.

"I'm sorry", I said making my eyes big and pouted, so I looked innocent.

I knew Louis couldn't say no to me when I make that face, so I used it to my advantage. Thank you adorable face.

"Fine, I forgive you", Louis said sounding disappointed because he lost this fight. While I happily smiled. We gave each other a sorry hug, but were interrupted by the bell, signaling that we had to get to class. We were usually late, but we had nothing else to do, so we headed to class. And the day begins, I hate school.

A.N. Hey guys, I hope you like the prologue. I tried my best, this is my first book and I'm still getting the hang of it.

Ps I will try to make the next chapter longer.

2017 Note: This is the most cringe-worthy piece of shit you will ever read. Enjoy.

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