How can I not?

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Louis' POV

I wake up to the sound of the birds chirping, the sun shining, and all happiness and rainbows on this fine Sunday morning. Just kidding. I wake up to the sound of my alarm going off with the song, "A.M", Harry and I wrote it when we were like in grade 9, it's still special to me, so I couldn't help but wake up smiling. Even though it was like 8 o'clock in the morning.

I crawled out of bed, and by crawled, I mean fell, and then I went to the bathroom, to take a shower and brush my teeth.

I took a 20-minute shower and it was quite relaxing, letting the hot water hit my tense muscles.

Anyways, after that, I put on my pink frilly lace panties, I can wear Victoria Secret panties if I wanted to, no one has to know, blue skinnies, a pretty aqua sweater, and a grey beanie.

I am really bored and I don't know what to do, so I decide to text Harry, because why not?

To: Haz

You awake yet?

I waited about 2 minutes until I got a text from Harry.

From: Haz

No, so shut up, I am trying to sleep!!! x

I smile, knowing that Harold is awake, now I can bother him. My heart also flutters because he put a little 'x', it makes my heart warm.

To: Haz

Yay, you're awake, let's hang out, I am really bored. Oh my god, let's go the park, it's nice and quiet, we can cuddle, because I want cuddles.

From: Haz

Fine, whatever you say sweetcheeks, I'll come over and we'll go together.

To: Haz

Yay, I get cuddles!

From: Haz

Yeah, I'll give you as many cuddles as you want.

That last text made me get butterflies in my stomach and made my heart explode from all the feels.

I got up to get ready, in other words, I just needed to put on my vans. I put on some socks, not really caring if they were matching, and then I needed to decide which Vans would match my outfit. I have like every pair of Vans that was ever made. You can never have too many Vans, am I right?

I decided on putting on some pretty grey Vans, because most of my outfit is blue and my beanie is the only grey thing.

I was in the middle of checking myself out, to see of I look approachable, when the doorbell rang, I had to go answer it since mum left for work and I was alone.

I opened the door and there stood Harry, looking beautiful, as always. It was cute because we were almost matching. He was wearing a baby blue sweater similar to mine, black skinnies, a blue beanie to match his sweater, and black converse.

"Hi", I chirped with a big and goofy smile.

"Hi, ready to go?" Harry said with a warm smile.

"Yeah, but can we walk there, I think it's relaxing," I said, I really wanted to walk there, to enjoy the nice breeze.

"Sure, anything for you, boo," that made me blush and I was flattered. How did I not notice how sweet my bestfriend was? How can I not like the guy?

He is so sweet and just-aarrrghh- words cannot describe the way I feel. Words cannot describe his personality and just him in general. You just have to love the guy. How can you not?

How can I not?

AN Shítty chapter, because I fell asleep and I didn't know what to write. So like, yeah. Next chapter they go to the park, though, yay! I like parks. Please go check out my other stories, thank you. Well, bye.

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