Why is Harry pretty?

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Louis' POV

Harry looked so cute and adorable and I just had to forgive him. Curse myself for thinking this way about my bestfriend. I had to admit that Harry was a good looking lad but I just couldn't like him like that, besides Harry would never like me back, he's straight, even if he did like boys, he would never even consider going out with me. Harry is just too beaut-

I snapped out if my thoughts when the bell rang and may or may have not blushed because of my thoughts. Thank God it's Friday.

The thing is that I'm gay, but I've never told another soul and I am not planning on it. Sure people are more accepting of you if you're not straight, but there are still some people who just don't accept you and find you repulsing and disgusting.

But I know my family won't accept me, and I am definitely not sure about Harry and Liam. Niall and Zayn are dating and they don't seem to mind them, but I'm still scared. They sort of just ignore the two when they're being all lovey-dovey. I find it cute, but sometimes it make me sad because I wish I could be in a relationship and be all lovey-dovey with someone.

I forgot the bell rang but then Harry playfully hit my shoulder and reminded me that we had to go to class. I have almost every class with Harry, except for 7th period. Which made me sad, but then I told myself that I shouldn't think like that so I just went to class with Harry.


My first class was maths and I guess I'm kind if good at it. I sat next to Harry when we entered the classroom.I either always have a B+ or and A-. Harry on the other hand is just a perfec- is just really smart. Ha ha ha........

"Hey dude, did you do your homework?" I asked Harry. He turned to me and said,

" Yeah, why?"

"Can I copy?", I asked and he turned to me with an eyebrow raised.

"Louis, I know you don't suck at math, you need to do your work if you wanna keep your grade. But fine, but only because you're my bestfriend," he said with a serious face. Then, he handed me his homework.

"Yay!" I shouted and hugged him. I'm not the manliest man and Harry knows this but eh, whatever. His serious face faded into a smile and he hugged me back. I felt tingles and my heart skipped a beat when he hugged back. We both pulled away and I decided to ignore the tingles, It was probably just the wind I thought to myself.

I then started to copy his homework with a small smile.

I quickly copied his homework and handed it back to him before Mrs.- whatsits came in. I forgot her name, oh well.


It was already the halfway through the day, which meant lunch. Yay!

"Finally, I'm so hungry I ate like 3 hours ago, that is too long of a wait." I said.

"Whatever" Harry said in a playful tone. His smile big enough to show his dimples. I couldn't resist and I poked one.

"What the fuck was that?" He said, he wasn't mad or anything, its just that I've never done that before.

"I don't know, I just wanted to poke your dimple." I said smiling at him, not at all embarrassed.

"But why?" Harry asked.

"Because I can, now lets get lunch, I'm so hungry." I whined and turned around to get in the lunch line. I got those tingles when I poked Harry's dimple and I still ignored, because it didn't mean anything, right?

After we got our lunch, we went to sit at our regular table. Liam, Niall, and Zayn were already there. We're all bestfriends, but Harry and I are just closer, same with Niall and Zayn, but you know, only because they're dating and shit. Lucky bastards, I wish I had someone to hold hands with, hug for as long as I want, kiss, and just love in general. And he would love me back. That's right he, I am confident that I'm gay, but I would never just blurt it out.

When we reached our table, Niall and Zayn were snogging and you could easily see their tongues. While Liam was just awkwardly sitting next to them fiddling with his thumbs, I guess he must've heard out footsteps and looked up.

"Finally, you guys are here, I thought I would've had to just sit here awkwardly while they eat each other's faces all alone." Liam said. I chuckled at the poor lad.

"Can you two stop shoving your tongues down each other's throats? I'm trying to eat here." Harry said jokingly while sitting down.

After about 5 minutes of snogging, Niall and Zayn finally decided pull apart with a loud *pop*. And a long trail of saliva coming from their mouths.

"Oh, hey guys, didn't notice you sitting there" Zayn said.

"Dude, you have Niall's spit like all over your face." I said awkwardly, while Niall blushed. The nest thing Zayn did almost made me gag.

"Oops" he said, then he wiped the spit with his finger and then put his finger in his mouth, seductively sucking, hollowing his cheeks while staring into Niall's eyes. I may be gay, but seeing your bestfriends being all sexual in front of you is gross.

"Ew " I said, while Harry said "Please stop" and Liam said "Gross".

Yeah, we think their relationship is cute and everything, but sometimes they take things way to far and- yeah, we get grossed out.

"Anyways, you guys wanna sleep over at my place?" Liam asked.

"Sure" I said.

"Okay" Harry said.

"Yeah" Niall and Zayn both said at the same time. I swear they were made for each other, makes me sick.

"Okay, but no sex" Liam said sternly to Niall and Zayn.

"Okay" Niall said dramatically wiping a fake tear to indicate how sad he was that Niall and Zayn couldn't have sex.

"But no promises" Niall said while smirking at Liam.

This sleepover is going to be fun.


Hey guys, I haven't kms so that's good. Well bye! :)

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