I'm no innocent smol bean

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Harry's POV

We're finally back from the mall. After about hmmm, lets see, 1, 2, 3, Oh Yeah! ABOUT 5 BILLION YEARS. I love Louis and always will, but the boy takes forever to shop, and not only that, he buys so much clothes.

Before I found out that I had feelings for him, we never went shopping, it was, I guess a 'girly' thing. But I see it different know, and now I know that shopping is not 'girly' or anything. Anyone can do it, not just girls.

Anyways, since we're kind of, not really boyfriends, he made me carry all his bags. OK maybe he didn't make me, more like I offered to because he's a smol bean. And I like my smol bean, being all Happy, in his smol bean world. Plus he's too precious to be carrying something so big and heavy, other than this dick!

Hehe, I'm still a little bit of a whore. And Honestly, I think about Louis in a cute outfit doing.... naughty things, everyday. I mean it would be so hot and sexy seeing Louis doing something like that.
Well, better stop thinking about stuff like this before I get hard.

When we get to my house, I get all the bags out of the car, and head inside. Louis helps, by opening the door, but that's enough, because he's my smol bean that's so cute and adorable.

We walk upstairs and I put all of Louis' clothes in the corner of my room. While I do that, Louis sits on my bed and picks at his nails.

Louis looks really cute and I need to hug him, he looks so hugable. So I'm gonna go tackle him and tell him that he's a cute, smol bean.

While Louis is distracted, I run over to him and tackle him on the bed, so now he's laying under me. He let's out a shriek, but he covers it up by giggling.

"Louis," I breathe out.

"Yes, Haz?" He asks after he finishes his giggling.

"You are a cute smol bean," I say as I tighten my arms around him.

"What do you mean?" He says as he giggles.

"You are a smol bean in this big, smol bean world. Will you do me the honors of being my smol bean?" Louis pauses a bit before answering.

"Is that your way of asking me to be your boyfriend?" Louis asks with a smile.

"Yes. So do you wanna be my smol bean?"

"Wow Harold you are so romantic. Of course I would like to be your boyfriend!" Then he throws his arms around my neck and brings me down to kiss me. Our lips move together in sync, and I will never grow tired of the way Louis' lips taste or feels.

"Smol bean," I mumble against his lips.

"Huh?" Louis asks, pulling away from the kiss.

"You're my smol bean."

"Whatever you say Harold," Louis says as he rolls his eyes.

"We should probably put away all the clothes you bought," I say, getting off of Louis.

"Ugh, but work," Louis complains.

"Well I'll do the work, and you sit down and look pretty," I say as pick up all the bags from the corner.

"I'm already doing that," Louis sasses. Wow I never realized how much I loved sassy Louis.

"I know." I open one of the bags and take out all the clothes. I'm kind of surprised at the kind of clothes he bought.

"Really Louis?" I say as I hold up a pair of block thongs.

"What? I like feeling sexy, and maybe I can model it for you in the future," Louis says in a seductive voice.

I know we've only been together for like 10 minutes, but I wouldn't hesitate to do anything sexual with him. We've been best friends for most of our lives, I would do anything for Louis and I know he would too.

"So much for a smol innocent bean," I mumble.

"I'm no innocent smol bean," Louis says smirking.

AN Harry will be calling Louis his smol bean from now on because I said so. Tell me if there are any mistakes, and don't forget to check out my other stories. Well, bye.

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