We're really doing this

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Time jump to the last week of school.

Harry's POV

I wake up to someone shaking me. I groan and open my eyes, only to be met by blue orbs. Louis.

"Harry, wake up," Louis whispers. He's straddling me and I don't know why.

"I'm up, I'm up," I say as I sit up and Louis gets off of me.

"We should run away," Louis suggests with excitement in his eyes.

"W-What? What do you mean?" Louis must be crazy.

"We could run away and live life to the fullest without ever feeling like we're trapped," Louis says, smile fading, and eyes getting glossy.

"How? Where? Why?! Did you even think this through, Louis?!" I yell.

"Harry, in case you forgot, we're pretty rich. I have about £500,000 in cash, but I have more in my bank account. I just need my card, and I know you have money." Louis does make a point. I really don't know what Jay will go through to get Louis back and I don't wanna find out. And Louis has money?!

"Where Louis? Where are we gonna go?"

"America!We could go to America!" Louis exclaims, getting excited again.

I sigh and start to think about it. We haven't even graduated yet for fucks sake! I come you with pros and cons. Uggh.

"You have £500,000?"

"At Jay's house," Louis nods, " I can easily sneak in." I have about £650,000 and way more in my bank account. I could clean that out, and then Louis can clean his out. Together, we have about 1,000,000 American dollars. Damn. I don't know how much money Louis has in his bank account, but we're already millionaires.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but OK, fine. Let's go to America," I smile, and Louis starts jumping in excitement.

"Yay. Yay. Thank you so much Harry!"

"But we have to graduate first."

"Yeah, OK," Louis says as he hugs me, tight.

"Louis, when we arrive in America, we have to get jobs, our money isn't going to last long," I point out and Louis starts to think about what I just said.

"We could be entrepreneurs!" He says after about 5 seconds of thinking.

"OK, but what kind of business would we invest in?"

"We could open a restaurant or we could become models!" Louis shouts without hesitation.

"Alright, first of all, Louis you can't cook for shit-"

"That's because I never really learned!"

"- and second, I don't think we'd make it as models."

"We could try, and maybe if you teach me how to cook, I would be good at it. I also think we'd make it, well I think you will. Come on,"Louis whines.

"OK, alright, fine. I'll teach you how to cook."

"We leave Saturday night. We graduate on Friday. So on Saturday, I will sell my car, you sell yours, we could put it on eBay or something. And sell or throw away our phones. Then get new ones in America. You get your money from your house and We'll empty our bank accounts and transfer the money to a new one that we'll make together, Alright?"

"Yeah, OK. I can't Wait."

"And Louis?"


"Why did you wake me up at 3 in the bloody morning?!"

"Uhh, good night," Louis says quickly and lays back down. Whatever.


The days pass, and it's now Friday night. Graduation went well, Jay nor my mother came, so that's good, I guess. Our cars are sold and so are our phones. I think my mum has noticed, but I don't think she cares. Louis and I are already packed. We bought plane tickets to America and we're leaving at noon tomorrow.

I'm actually quite surprised Jay hasn't come for Louis yet. She seemed determined the last time she visited me.

"Goodnight Lou," I whisper as I kiss Louis' forehead.

"Goodnight Haz."


"Wake up. Today's the day," Louis says as he slaps my face.

"Uggh," I groan. I swing my legs to the side and sit with my head in my hands.

"Get dressed, the bank opens in half on hour," Louis demands.

"So, we're really doing this?" I ask to confirm that this is what Louis wants.

"We're really doing this," Louis smiles and his eyes twinkle with excitement.

AN Check out my other stories. Will ya? Tell me if there are any mistakes. In other news, this story is slowly coming to an end. Well, bye.

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