Whatever you say Louis

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Louis' POV

"It's beautiful Harry! Can we buy it?"

"Of course, anything for you my Love."


This was the third flat we have seen today, and it's perfect. It had two bedrooms with queen sized beds, two bathrooms, a living room, a kitchen area and another room for Whatever. The walls were grey, and the furniture was blue and green, and I don't know-I just love it.

"We'll take it," Harry tells the landlord.

"Alright, you will have to pay a monthly due of $105, will you pay with cash or credit?" She asks, eyeballing Harry.

"Cash," then he slaps a wad of cash in her hand," it's all there." Harry says. He must have counted the money while the landlord was talking, she told us the price when we first walked in.

"OK, well then, I guess it's all yours!" Then she gives Harry the keys and runs out of the flat, with the cash in her hands.

"Alright Love, lets go shopping for food and stuff for the flat, Yeah?"

"Yeah, lets go."


"Can we buy that candy now?" I ask Harry.

"Yes you can, you can have as much candy as you want."

"Yay! Thank you!" I run over and give Harry a big hug and a sloppy kiss on the cheek.

I go over to the candy section and pick out all sorts of chocolate. And Nothing but chocolate, I pick Hershey's, Snickers, Milky Way, 3 Musketeers, all that good stuff. By the time I'm done, I have about nine chocolate bars.

I go over and put my candy into the basket that Harry is carrying (he's doing all the shopping).

"That's a lot of candy Louis. You gonna share?"

"Umm......Nope," I say popping the "p".

"You're such a child. I guess that's why I like you so much."

"Yay. I Love you Harry," I reply, leaning in to kiss him.

"I Love you too Louis," he says, kissing my lips.

When we get back to our flat, we organize and put all the food away. I didn't realize how much food we bought, mainly because I was playing in the toy section while Harry was doing grown-up shopping. He's so old. I let out a little giggle at that thought.

"What's so funny?" Harry asks, smiling.

"I was thinking about how old you are."

"Louis, I'm pretty sure you're older than me."

"Yeah, but you act older and you're taller, so that counts. I'm the younger and smoller one," I argue.

"Whatever you say Louis."

AN short Chapter because I'm lazy. Tell me if there are any mistakes. Well, bye.

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