Yes, you can have candy

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Harry's POV

Louis and I have already bought the plane tickets to America. And we're both very excited to get out this place. Don't get me wrong, I love England, but I just want to be with my boyfriend without Jay catching us and kidnapping Louis or something.

"Ready?" I squeeze Louis' hand.

"Ready," he nods, and we board the plane.

After a long time of eating, sleeping, and watching movies, we arrive in America. Where in America you might ask? New York City, New York.

All of the buildings are so tall and well lit. The lights resemble the stars, but different colors. Blue. Green. Orange. Purple. Yellow.

I never knew something like a whole bunch of buildings, could look so beautiful. And the people. Oh, the people. There are so many people. It seems like everyone is always in such a hurry, even though it's like midnight, I guess the city never sleeps.

We probably look like idiots, two guys holding hands, staring at buildings, with giant suitcases, just standing in the middle of the pavement.

"We should probably find a hotel or something," I whisper as I tug Louis towards an expensive looking hotel. Oh well, we have money, besides it was the closest hotel. Not really, I just want the best for my Louis.

"But we need cash first," Louis reminds me.

"You're right babe, Thank you for reminding me," I Thank him as I kiss his nose.

I walk you to a box that looks like an ATM and how do I even do this? After about ten minutes, I have succeeded and I have 1,500 American dollars in my hand. Do we need that much? Probably not, but I can't put the money back, so deal with it.

"Hello, I would like to rent a room, Please," I say as I walk up to the counter guy. And Wow, this place looks fancy. Everyone is wearing either suits or dresses. Then we come in, wearing skinny jeans and hoodies.

"I'm Sorry sir, I think you have the wrong building, surely you could not afford something as luxurious as this," he says in a French accent.

"Mmm," I hum, as I ignore what he just said,"Whatever, how much per night?"

"$1,100, not like you could afford it, but-"

"Here," I say as I slap $1,100 on the desk. His eyes go wide, but then after 3 seconds, he comes back to reality and takes the money.

"Alright sirs, here are your room keys," and he gives me one, and Louis the other.

"Thank you," I growl and pocket the remaining $400. Louis and I walk to the elevator with our suitcases dragging behind us.

"We didn't have time come here, Harry, I'm OK with anywhere," Louis whispers fondly Once the elevator doors have closed.

"Nonsense, you deserve the best, and the best is what you will receive," I Eskimo kiss him.

"Thank you Harry," he says as he hugs me.

"You're welcome babe," I hug him back.

The elevator doors ding open and we step out and find our room.

"So pretty," Louis says in awe. The room is mainly white, like the bed, the dresser, the bathroom, the kitchen, basically everything.

"Yeah and the room is Alright too," I compliment Louis, and it takes a moment for him to understand that and when he does, he slaps my arm.

"What? It's true, you are very beautiful. Nothing to be ashamed of Love," I defend myself while Louis blushes a deep Red.

"Whatever, we need to get settled in, and tomorrow we'll go look for an apartment, not an expensive one but a decent one. I want enough money to open that restaurant we were talking about," He explains as he unpacks his clothes, as well as mine.

"So you're really sure that you want to open a restaurant?"

"Yeah, do you want to open one?"

"Yeah, just making sure that you want to."

"Alright, well we should get some rest, big day tomorrow," Louis says as he puts the suitcases next to the dresser and we crawl into bed.

"Do we have to go apartment hunting tomorrow?" I whine.

"Sooner or later, and I just want to get it over with, so Yeah we have to tomorrow," Louis says, as I pull him closer to me.

"Then we can cuddle all we want, right?"

"Yes, then we can cuddle, all you want."

"Yay, I like cuddles," I cheer as I kiss Louis' forehead.

"Mmm, Love you."

"Love you too."


"Yeah," I Wait for a response and Louis takes a dramatic pause before answering.

"I want candy," he giggles.

"You're stupid," I mumble.

"So can I have candy?"

"Yes, you can have candy."

AN I don't even know. Let me know if there are any mistakes. Well, bye.

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