It's for my own good. No it's not.

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They're still at the hill, BTW.

Louis' POV

I know what you're thinking. Why precious Louis, I thought you had the biggest crushed on your best friend Harold? Well, I can tell you one thing, I do not have a crush on him.

I love him.

And I will always love Harry, even if I can't have him. I just know that I can never stop loving Harry, even if I love him as just a friend. Well I know I don't love him like that, I obviously love him more than just a friend.

But Harry is just a friend, my best friend, and I'm his best friend and that's all he'll ever see me as.

I know he tried to kiss me and all, but I know it was just a "in the moment" thing and he probably didn't even realize what he was doing, until I turned my head so that he could kiss my cheek instead of my lips.

Don't get me wrong, I very badly want to kiss and snog Harry right here, right now, but I don't want to lose him. That's what I'm scared of. That's one of my biggest fears.

Losing my best friend.

I don't know what I would do if I lost him.

As I'm thinking, I feel Harry stir next to me and he scoots closer to me and lays his head on my shoulder.

"I'm Sorry," he says again, looking at the sunset. He looks so beautiful and it takes everything in my will power to not grip his face and smash our lips together.

"It's OK, I underst-"

"Louis, I like you a lot," Harry says interrupting me, while I turn to face him and stare into his eyes," and let me tell you this, I really want to kiss you right now, but I know you don't want this, so I'm just saying that I like you and I will never stop liking you, and I don't just like you because you're gay, or because you're by best friend. And I sincerely mean what I am saying. I like everything about you, and when I say everything, I mean everything." I blush at the compliment and struggle to keep eye contact.

"I love your eyes, your laugh, your voice, your voice, your body, your personality, and just everything about you in general. And Nothing you do can change that, OK? And I just want you to know that, because I think you are the most beautiful and sexiest person I have ever met. And if I'm spilling everything to you, I'm just going to tell you straight up that when you were wearing those panties, well you looked so fucking hot and sexy and you honestly made me hard. And I am not afraid or ashamed or embarrassed to admit that." Harry finishes looking me in the eyes and I can feel my cheeks getting redder than they already were.

"Harry, I um-" somehow manage to squeak out before Harry interrupts me once again.

"I know, you just want to be friends and I can manage that, if it makes you Happy, then we'll just be friends."

I wanna be more than friends, I want to say, but I only mutter a small "OK."

We stay seated there on the hill until Harry says it's time for him to go home and he leaves.

I don't want to to go home and I also feel guilty of not telling Harry how I feel towards him.

But I know it's for my own good.

It's for my own good.

It's for my own good.

No it's not.

AN Short Chumpy chapter, but a chapter is a chapter and I tried. And that's all that matters. I know I'm lame. Don't forget to chapter check out my other books. Let me know if there are any mistakes. Well, bye.

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