I kinda do

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Harry's POV

Ugh. Today is Monday, and I don't want to go to school, but I have to, because you know, it's the law. Otherwise, I would never go to school and I'd be very stupid, plus if I didn't go to school, I would have never become friends with Louis. And I like Louis. A lot.

Louis and I are getting ready. Well, we're already ready, we're just kind of standing, in front of my mirror. I'm hugging him from behind and he has his head hung back, on my shoulder. My head is in his shoulder/neck area and my eyes are closed, enjoying this calm moment.



"Are we just gonna stand here all day?"

"If you want," I say as I open my eyes and look at him in the eyes through the reflection of the mirror.

"Well, I kinda want to get an education. Please," he smiles that cute, warm smile that he has. What makes him even cuter is that he's wearing a sweater, and he has sweaterpaws! What the hell! Louis and sweaters just kind of melt my heart. I aware this guy could be wearing s trash bag and he'd still be the most beautiful thing in the world. Well, in my world, that is.

"Alright, let's go get and education," I say as I let go of him and he turns around to Peck my lips. And I will never get tired of the cliche fireworks that I feel when he kisses me.

About 10 minutes later, we're arriving at school and I'm surprised Jay didn't call the police to get 'her' Louis back. When he is clearly now my Louis now. So fight me Jay.

"LEWIS!! OH MY GOD LEWIS!! IT'S ME!! ELEANOR!" Great now we have to deal with this bitch. I hate Eleawhore. Even before I knew that I liked Louis and even before I found out that she liked Louis, I just always hated her.

I see that Louis has started to walk faster, but Eleawhore was pretty eager to talk to my Louis that she fookin' ran up from behind is.

"Hey Lewis," she says as she tackles a clearly uncomfortable Louis.

"Hey," he says with a smile, but it's obviously forced and he's just trying to be nice.

"Hey," she says flirtatiously, Lol it's funny, 'cause he's gay,"so what happened? I thought we were supposed to go on a date? It's OK if you forgot, we could always reschedule," she says biting her lip and batting her eyelashes. Yeah, no, ew. Please stop.

"Oh, Yeah, about that. Um, my mum arranged that's not the problem."

"What's the problem? We can work it out together, "

"Yeah OK, Whatever. The problem is that I don't like you, at all and I never will. I don't even like you as a friend," Louis says with a smile, and I can't help but burst out into a fit of giggles.

"Excuse me?" She says, looking offended.

"I. DON'T. LIKE. YOU," Louis says as he waves his finger in her face.

"I refuse to be treated like this," Eleawhore says as she crosses her arms and stands up straight.

"OK, well bye," Louis says as he grabs my hand and drags me into the school. I like this Louis.


"I'm hungry and I have no more clothes to wear," Louis whines.

"Let's go to the mall," I say as I place my backpack down.

"But food," he says and then he flops onto the couch.

"We can go to the food court and then we an shop for some clothes," Louis looks up at the word 'clothes', I'm pretty sure that's his weakness. Clothes. That boy has always had a liking for clothes, he never wore the Same outfit twice.

"Alright, but only because I heard two of my favorite words, food and clothes," Louis says, then he gets up from the couch and comes over to hug me.

"Aww, you don't like me?" I ask, with a pout on my face.

"Eh, you're Alright," he says looking into my eyes. I start to lean in, and right as our lips are about to brush, he pulls away.

"Well I'm hungry and in need of clothes," then he rushes out the door.

"Tease," I mumble under my breath.

"But you like it!" He yells from the inside of my car. I'm surprised he heard that, Oh well.

"I kinda do," I smile.

AN It's kind of hard to believe that people actually read my trash stories. Thank you.

Well, bye.

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