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Louis' POV

I was laying down and a blanket was the only thing between me and the floor. Now I was for sure that everyone was asleep. I could hear soft snores coming from Liam. I could see Niall and Zayn cuddled close to each other. Niall's leg was over Zayn's waist and Zayn's arm was around Niall's torso. Their love makes me sick.

And Harry, I couldn't see his face because he was turned facing the other side. But I bet if I could see his face, he would look like an angel, face glowing in the moonlight, lighting up every single feature in his face. His eyebrows furrowing when having a dream, his pale milky skin looking soft as ever , his- wow, um I should stop. Like now. Lately I've been noticing a lot of things about Harry and I've just been thinking about him a lot.

What if I like Harry?

Yeah, no fück no. He is my bestfriend and I shouldn't be thinking about him in that kind of way. Although, it would kind of nice to at least have a boyfriend. But, I wouldn't take the risk of anyone, especially my family, finding out about him. I guess I'm just meant to be forever alone. I'm just going to give up right now and dies alone, with my cats, while my friends will have grandchildren and die together, happy.

While I'm thinking about dying alone, Harry turns around and goddamn, he looks gorgeous. My breath hitched as every feature of his angelic face sinks into my thoughts and mind.

His beautiful long and dark eyelashes, touching his cheeks. His luscious  curly chestnut hair, flopping around like nobody's business. His beautiful milky, pale skin. I just want touch his face and just feel him (not that way, you perverted bastárds ;) ), his skin just looks so soft, with no imperfections. Even if he had imperfections, he would still be perfect.

All these thoughts made me realize something; I might have a teeny crush on my bestfriend.

Fúck these thoughts.

AN Really short chapter because I wanted to update and I'm a reading alcoholic. Oh well. Well bye.

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