Same thoughts

255 15 3

Harry's POV

I couldn't really sleep that night. I don't know why. I just was wide awake.

I looked over to Niall and Zayn, and they looked cozy, basically groping each other. Sometimes I wish I could hold someone like that; someone to hold me and just cuddle with. Endless cuddles. I must sound like really girly right now, but let's face it, I will always be the little spoon. I don't care if I'm straight, or that I've never been in a relationship ; I'ma make that bítch hold me. Another reason that bítch gonna hold me is because I'm scared of the dark, but I would never admit that to anyone.

Then, I turned and saw that Liam was softly snoring and facing the ceiling. I turned on my phone and saw that it was 3 in the morning. I mentally groaned because I was afraid that if I made a sound, it would wake the others. I turned my head slightly and my breath hitched as I saw Louis.

Louis, he looked so peaceful with his feathery brown hair and soft features. It was kind of dark, and I was semi scared, but it was ok because as long as I had a blanket to protect me, I was ok. I know, the badáss Harry Styles, is scared of the dark and needs a to hide under a blanket to feel safe(and may or may not have a teddy bear that Louis gave him back in year 2). Ok, yeah, I still have the teddy bear, but it's special to me. I still remember the day he gave it to me and the very same night, it comforted me because my parents were fighting.


I went to school feeling happy because I get to see my bestfriend, Louis, everyday. We were bestfriends and have been since kinder, we kind of just clicked and instantly became friends.

Anyways, Louis and I always meet by the front doors of the school. So, I rushed towards the doors because I could already see him standing there, he had something in his hands, a big fluffy white thing, but I couldn't really tell what it was, I was too far.

As I came closer, I saw that he was carrying a big white fluffy teddy bear. It was big, almost bigger than him. I ran up to him and gave him a big hug, we always gave each other hugs because we can and we didn't care what others thought at the time.

"Hi" , I said grinning.

"Hi , Haz", Louis said with big blue eyes.

" What's that?" I said pointing at the teddy bear. His smile got even bigger than it already was and said,

"It's for you". Then, he gave it to me, and I was taken by surprise, but still accepted the offer.

"Thanks, Lou", I said and gave him another hug. After that, we went through the double doors and I held the teddy bear close because it smelled like Louis and Louis makes me feels special.


I was happy, until I got home, usually I'm glad to see my parents, but they were arguing. So, I ran up to my room and snuggled under the covers.

I could hear them screaming at each other and I heard glass breaking. I could also hear the my mum's heals clicking against the floor. I felt a lump in my throat and I tried not to cry, but I couldn't hold it back. So I silently cried, while my parents were still arguing. They've argued before, just not this much.

I clutched the teddy bear that Louis gave me tight because I felt safe with it. It made me feel a little better because the teddy bear made me think of Louis and Louis is nice and he cares about me. The thought of Louis made me smile a little, at least someone cared.

*Flashback over*

That same year, my parents got divorced and Louis was there for me, even when he wasn't physically there. He told me that whenever I get sad, I should just hold the teddy bear because then he would always be in my mind. That bear got me through the divorce, I honestly don't know what I would've done without the bear.

The thought of Louis and the teddy bear he gave me, made me smile like an idiot.

I was still facing Louis and he looked beautiful- I mean that in the manliest, friendliest kind of way because I don't like him like that. I'm straight and I don't like him. Only as a friend. I should stop.

Anyways, Louis is the kind of person that you just kind of admire what he's like. His beautiful breath taking ocean blue eyes. His cute button nose, with small, light freckles. His sharp jawline, with his perfect smile, showing off his white teeth. His feathery brown hair that is sometimes styled in a fringe or a quiff. His eyelashes, thick and long. I wonder what he would look like, looking up through those eyelashes, not in a sexual way, hehe......he.Then, his legs, god his legs. His thighs are thick and look so smooth and sometimes I just want to touch them and caress them. Then his áss, so round and big and perfect. I just want to lightly tap it or strongly grip it, till he's moaning my na- ok, um, that's weird, I should stop.

Great, now I'm hard and I was just thinking about Louis. Fúck my dick.

Wow, I am painfully hard and I can certainly feel precum leaking. Fúck Louis and his good looks. Not literally fúck Louis, because I don't want to fúck Louis, but just like fúck him. Again, not literally. Hahaha, awkward.

Gosh, this is weird to think of your best friend like this.

I wonder if Louis ever has the same thoughts.

AN I'm a little poop, tall and weird, I like to read smut and grow a beard. <-- Not really, but I just wanted it to sound like "I'm a little tea pot". Sorry, I just am lazy and I just want to eat food, while listening to "Perfect". Anyways, um, yeah, bye. And thank you for 100 reads, I'm so happy. Go check out Elaina's story, cuz why not? Lol, that's not how you spell her name. She's gonna be pissed, oh well. Byeeee.

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