Just like groceries

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Harry's POV

Since Louis is my smol bean, I put up all his clothes because I don't want my smol bean getting hurt. I mean, he's just so smol and innocent and- Wait. I just realized something; one, Louis is not innocent, and two, Louis has totally changed me as a person.

Before I realized my feelings for him, I didn't even do relationships, I didn't do shit. And now I'm here, doing everything for him. But that's OK because he is my smol bean. So I guess I have Nothing to complain about.

Because even though I completely changed for this person, I changed in a good way and I like this new me. I like the fact that I could care so much about a single person, I never really knew I could do that. And I'm glad Louis was the one that showed me.

"Hey Haz?" Louis asks from beside me. He's kind of laying on me, with his head on my chest, and his arms draped over my torso.


"Let's have a sleep over."

"What?" I ask, clearly confused because Louis has technically been living with me for like a week.

"A sleep over. But like, a proper one. Where you share secrets, have pillow fight, and watch movies, and all that good stuff. I know it sounds 'girly' but Fuck sexism," Louis says, enthusiastically.

"Alright my smol bean, we'll have a proper sleep over," I say as I hug him tighter.

"Yay!" Louis shouts, as he gets up and sprints to the bathroom.

"What are you doing?" I ask, confused as to why he is so excited about going to the bathroom.

"I'm changing into my PJ's," he says before he closes the door shut.

"You're one weird bean," I mumble.

"But I'm your weird smol bean," Louis shouts from inside the bathroom. How does he even mange time hear that? That guy has incredibly good hearing.

"Whatever," I say as I chuckle.

Minutes later, Louis exits the bathroom, and I have to do a double check, because I thought he was a smol bean, not a sexy bean. Damn. Louis wearing these black, yoga pants that you can clearly see through, which is how I now that he is wearing the black thong from earlier. This bitch is trying to get me hard. And its working.


"Hmm?" He hums, acting like what he is doing is completely innocent. Did I mention that he's not wearing a shirt? Only yoga pants that hug his arse and curves. I never knew men had curves, but Louis does, and it's doing things to me.

"What are you wearing?" I ask with furrowed eyebrows.

"PJ's," he simply responds.

"Mmm, OK. C'mere," I say as I pat my lap so that he gets the hint. He does, and straddles me, and he decides that it's a good idea to sit right on my crotch. He makes a face, indicating that he is 'uncomfortable' which I know isn't true. Then, he starts wiggling and grinding down and forward, until he's 'comfortable,' again.

"Much better. Now what did you, want Haz?" He says with innocent eyes and an innocent smile and all things innocent, even though what he just did was the complete opposite of innocent.

"I want to know what you're doing," I say as I move my hands to his bum cheeks, and squeeze the hell out of them. He lets out a low moan which goes straight to my dick.

"I'm, uh, I want-" Louis starts, but I interrupt him.

"What do you want?" I ask, as I continue to knead and massage his arse.

"I want......I want -"

"Come on baby, use your words."

"I want you to eat my ass, like groceries, " Louis moans.

"Like groceries?" I raise my eyebrow.

"Just like groceries. "

AN what did I just write.

Well, bye.

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