Awkward Night

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Louis' POV

I regret all my life's choices.

I turned to Liam with a nervous smile. Hehe, I'm scared. Help.

"I dare you to...... put a whole tray of ice down your pants and keep it there till all the ice melts." Liam says with a mischievous smirk. My eyes widen, not because of the dare, but because of my poor díck. Fuck Liam and his dares.  I'm still a virgin and I like have never "touched myself", in other words, I'm a loser who's never masterbäted. I mean I get boners and all that shít , but I just think of something gross, like a vagína, EW OH GOD WHY DID I THINK ABOUT THAT RIGHT NOW?! Then again, I came out of a vagína and that scares me a bit. Anyways, I'm going to stop thinking about all this crap and go back to the dare.

"Um, ok? I guess" I said calmly, showing no emotion, even though I was crying inside because I'm so sensitive, like if my phone vibrates in my pocket, I will literally get hard, just not that hard, like semi-hard. I guess my reaction to the dare surprised Liam and all the other lads because they all looked at me like I was crazy. I guess they thought that I was going to protest, but I have nothing to lose, except maybe my 8 inch díck (lol I don't even know his big Louis is, but I guess pretty big because Louis tops and at that one concert, he made Harry sore, hehe).

Liam walked to the fridge and opened the freezer door and pulled out the tray of ice cubes and hesitantly handed it to me. He then raised his eyebrow as if he was questioning my decision, honestly I knew I was an idiot for even doing this dare, but whatever , I don't give a fúck. So, I did anything an idiot teenager would do , and I grabbed the tray and dumped all the ice cubes into my boxers. All the lads' eyes widened and they all gasped, probably thinking that I was insane. At first I didn't feel anything because I don't know, late reaction? All was all like this is so  easy, then I was all like fúck, shít, mother-, why did I do this?! Then, I crossed my legs because it was so fúcking cold and it was on my díck and I then I starting muttering "bad words".( As Elena would say).

"Fúck, shít, bítch, mother-fúcking hell, arsehóle."I muttered with my eyebrows furrowed because I was trying to not think about the pain that was in my lower region.

Then, all the lads, being the nice people that they are, start bursting into laughter, while I am probably freezing my balls which will probably fall off. I checked and about half of the ice was probably melted, making a huge wet spot in front of my trousers."

I am shivering because of fúcking Antarctica deciding to visit my trousers.

About a quarter of the ice is left and I can't take it anymore, so I rushed to the loo and of course locked the door, because I didn't want anyone to see my díck. I pulled down my trousers and boxers and took out the remaining ice. I then splashed some warm water on my díck because I don't want to touch it. That's right, Louis Tomlinson, the one with all the tattoos, and the loaded parents doesn't want to touch his penís.

After that, I sneakily went to go get some more trousers, while the guys were crying on the floor because they were laughing soo hard. I was surprised they hadn't peed themselves. Speaking of peeing, all that díck freezing, made me want to go pee. Even when I go pee, I don't touch my díck, I just get some toilet paper and you know, hold it while I pee, 'cause I'm weird like that. After I'm done peeing, I change my boxers and trousers. Relieved that I didn't have ice down my trousers anymore and my díck wasn't cold af (as flan) anymore.

When I came out of the loo, the lads were wiping their tears. And I awkwardly waited for their laughter to die down. It was like another 5 minutes and then the calmly looked at me.

"Well, Lou, you failed miserably, but that was fúcking hilarious, but since it was so funny, I'll give you the point."

I smiled knowing that I got credit, even though I didn't finish the dare.

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