Broken is what I am

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Just so you guys know, Louis refuses to believe that Harry likes him as more than a friend. And Harry is heartbroken.

Louis' POV

I didn't get a blink if sleep all throughout the night. It's morning now, I think around 6:00. Anyways, I didn't sleep because I was too busy crying a river all over my pillow and bed sheets.

I'm not ashamed of who I am, or who I like. My birth giver will just force me to be someone I don't want to be and will force me to live a life I don't want to live, but I won't let her.

I can't wait to have enough money to leave. I have quite a lot, about £100,000 I just think that I need a little more, I've been saving up ever since I was 10. And I don't want to ask her for money, so I just wait for my allowance.

"Louis, get your bloody gay arse up!" Speaking of the devil, now she's interrupted my thinking. Pounding on my door and yelling.

"What?" I say as I eyes up and open the door. Revealing my birth giver, in a black dress. She always did dress nice, that kind of bothered me.

"Last night, got me thinking and well, I know this is just a phase, or Whatever. So tomorrow, you will be going out on a date with Eleanor, remember Eleanor?" Gosh, do I remember her, she's the most annoying girl ever. She thinks she's better than everyone, stuck up and cocky. I despise her, I met Eleawhore when I was 14 and that bitch threw herself at me.

"Yeah, I remember," I say, thinking if how I could avoid going out with her.

"Well, I know that once you see her again, I know that you'll realize that you like girls and not boys."

"Is that all?" I ask, completely done with this woman. I know this is not a phase and I just want her to get out of my sight. Maybe I'll go to Harry's house or something. I don't know, I haven't seen Liam, Zayn, or Niall in a while. Maybe we can all hang out later

"Yes, that's all, you'll be thanking be for setting you up With Eleanor, " No I won't, then she walks away and I shut the door before she finishes the last word. I decide the text Harry.

I know that I may seem OK, but I'm not. The more I think about it, the more it hurts me. I know I dont really like Jay, my "mum," but I still kind of have to love her, just a bit. It hurts, knowing that the one family number that was closest to me, no longer loves you. And it's breaking me.


Harry's POV

Louis just set me a text message that says he'll be coming over like in 10 minutes and he'll be staying for "however long I want bitch." Wow, I love the guy. Wait-no I mean, do I? Maybe I've been in love with him my whole life and I just had sex with girls to forget about him.

I do admit, that dies sound about right. I mean now that I think about it, I would always blush when he gave me compliments, and sometimes be the last thing I think of when I fell asleep. Wow that sounds creepy. And I always wanted to hang out with him before we became best friends in kindergarten. Damn, how long have I been in love with Louis Tomlinson?

"Hi," Louis says and I fall off my bed, that I was sitting on.

"When did you come in? I didn't even hear you!" I say as I stand back up from the floor.

"You didn't heart my because you're a chump," he says as he ruffles my curls and sits down on my bed. But something's wrong, his smile doesn't reach his eyes and it's not as bright as before.

"Are you OK?" I ask him as I sit down next time him.

He turns his head and I see tears rolling down his face.

"I'm perfectly fine," and his voice cracks as he speaks. I reach up and put both my hands an either side of his face and I use my thumbs to wipe the tears that are starting to fall from his eyes.

"Louis, you can tell me anything, I'm your best friend," I try to say as calm as possible, I mean the boy that I could possibly be in love with is crying in front me and it brings pain to me, knowing that he's hurt.

"Jay found out," he croaks out. I always thought it was weird that he called his mum by her real name, but I never mentioned it.

"Found out what?"

"She found out I was gay," he says as he starts sobbing and he throws himself in my arms.

"Is- Is she homophobic?" I ask, still confused on what is going out.

"The most homophobic person I've ever met," he says against my shirt.

"It's OK, Lou, I'm still here," I say trying to comfort him.

"She's making me go out with Eleawhore, I don't want to go out with her Harry," Louis says as he starts panicking.

"Shh Shh," I rub circles in his back and squeeze tighter to let him know that I'm here for him.

I lay back on my bed and now, I guess you could say that we're cuddling. And it's nice, even though the reason that we're cuddling is not.

Minutes go by and I think he's asleep, but I'm not sure, so I'm gonna check.


"Broken is what I am."

AN Ooh, Kill em. Eleanor has been introduced. I had to make some people the bad guys, so here she is. And Louis may both know it, but he's been depressed for a really long time his way of thinking just sort of denied the fact the he was falling into depression. Sorry. Anyways let me know if there are any mistakes. Don't forget to check out just there stories. Well, bye.

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