I know

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Louis' POV

I know, I am a sassy bítch. I knew that Harry was really hard and I bothered him, by informing him that I was awake. I'm surprised that the other motherfúckers are still asleep.

I guess I just like to tease Harry, sometimes I'm a angel and when I want, I can be as heartless as the devil. My point, don't mess with me, because I'm a boss áss bítch.

I have yet to hear Harry's loud moans fill the room, so I must sadly assume that he did not wank to the sound of my angelic voice. Oh well.

Minutes later, Haz come out of the bathroom. Ha, I called him Haz. He's looking a little flustered and his cheeks are pink with embarrassment. His curls are a little messy, but he still manages to look hot and sexy. Maybe this crush isn't as little as I thought it was. Speaking of little, I'm a little hungry, for some DICK!! Just kidding, I want food.

"Harry!" I yell, even though he's practically standing next to me.

"Yeah?" he says a little shyly, weird, he's usually confident, but oh well.

"I'm hungry," I whine.

"Then eat."

"But the kitchen is all the way over there" I practically scream, I swear these dudes are deaf, how have they not woken up yet?

"Stop being lazy."

"Don't tell me what to do," I say playfully. I make my eyes go wide and bat my eyelashes, and I plaster on a small smile; hoping that he'll make me something to eat.

"Fine, lazy áss," he mutters the last part, but I don't really care, I'm just happy that I'm getting some food.

I should probably wake up the other lads. I walk over to Liam and kneel beside him. I gently shake him and whisper little "wake ups". He stirs on his sleep and turns over.

"WAKE UP BÍTCH!!!!" I yell in his ear.

He jumps in surprise and turns his head towards me.

"Shut the fuck up," he says in a whisper. I smile a small smile and get up towards up Niall and Zayn.


"Louis, it's too early to deal with your búllshit." Niall says, snuggling into Zayn's chest.

"I have failed my conquest," I say with disappointment clear in my voice, with my head hanging down.

"Yo, bítch, I made you a sandwich!" Harry's voice rings threw the house.

"I am not a bítch," I say, even though I know I am I scurry to the kitchen because I'm hungry.

 I'm a hungry bítch. I'm a boss áss bítch. I know I am.

I know.

AN Hey, this story sucks, keep reading. Well, bye. :)

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