Holy Shit

154 14 1

Harry's POV

"You good?" I ask Louis as he jumps the fence.

"Yeah, I got it," he says, holding up his debit card.

"Can't believe that actually worked," I breathed. Then we start to walk to the other side of the street, towards the bank.

"You didn't think I could do it?" Louis asks, clearly offended.

"Of course I knew you could do it, I just think it would be that easy," I say assuring Louis that I knew he could pull this off.

"I've lived here most my life, I know how the security works," Louis says.

"Ok, OK. Now, let's go to the bank, Yeah?" I say, grabbing his hand and squeezing it.

"Got your card?" Louis asks. I nod and show him my debit card.

"Alright, here goes Nothing," Louis says as we make it to the entrance of the bank.

We walk in and walk straight up to the lady in he glass box. This is my first time entering a bank without my mum. But Louis looks like he knows what he's doing so I'm just going to let him do everything.

"Hi, um, I'd like to create a new account," Louis says with a warm smile.

"Alright, may I see your ID?" She says with a wide smile.

"Yeah, here you go," Louis says, handing his ID to the lady. Once she finished looking at it, making sure that he's 18 or older, she gives Louis back his ID.

"Alright sir, you just need to fill out these papers and then I'll be Happy to open that bank account for you," she says with a smile. Does this lady ever stop smiling? It's annoying.

"Thank you," he says to the lady that never stops smiling. "Come on Haz," Louis says, pulling on my hand.


The first line reads.

"Ugh this is gonna take forever," I groan. The packet looks like 50 pages.

"Shut up," Louis mumbled, filling out the form.


About an hour later, we finally finish.

"OK, come on, let's go make that transfer," Louis says.

We get you off our lazy asses and make our way back to the lady in the glass box. Louis hands her the information and she skims through it, making sure we filled out everything.

"The account will be under both names?" She asks.

"Yes ma'am," Louis replies.

"Alright, your account will be up and ready in about half an hour," she smiles.

"Thank you," I talk for the first time.

Half an our later, the lady waves us over, since we never left. We were just sitting on the chairs.

"Alright sirs, your account is activated and is there anything I could for you?" she says as she hands us both cards.

"Yes, we would like to make a deposit Please," Louis says with his cute smile.

"Cash or credit?"

"Cash," Louis says, taking out the pile of bills he had in his pocket and putting it on the counter. Then he nudged me, and I took out my cash and put it next to his.

"Oh my, that's quite an amount. But Alright," she says she electronically puts the money in our new account.

"Anything else?"

"Yes we would like to make a transfer," Louis says.


"I'd like it if you could put all the money in these cards," he holds up our old cards," into this new account." Then he hands her the cards.

"OK, I'm just going to need both of you to put in out bank account pin," she says a little nervous. Maybe she thinks we're stealing money or something.

"Of course," Louis says as he punches in his 4-digit number. Then I do the Same.

"Alright," she says after about 5 minutes of typing in numbers the computer," I am done! So you guys have a total of £20,432,849 in your bank account," she says and my eyes widen. I didn't know we had that much money.

"Oh shit," I hear Louis whisper.

"Is there a problem sir?" The lady asks.

"No, not at all, just never realized how much money I had," Louis says, still clearly in shock.

"Alright, well have a nice day," she screams, probably wanting us to leave already.

We walk out of the bank with our cards in our wallets and shock written on our faces.

"Damn," I whisper.

"Not Damn, I think holy shit is more appropriate."

"Holy Shit," I whisper.

AN I wanted to make them really rich. So Yeah. Well, bye.

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