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Harry's POV 

I don't know what I was thinking.

I was probably high. Right? Right!?

Maybe drunk, but I was definitely not thinking straight.

I couldn't possibly like Louis.

I am not Gay.

Maybe I was just stressing over this silly "crush". It's probably not even a crush, maybe I just think my best friend is attractive. That's normal, I can admit that he is hot.

I just don't like him in that way.

I like him, just not like like him.

Besides, I am not gay, I've been with girls ever since I was a freshman. Never even gave boys a simple glance.

Maybe it's just Louis, yeah, just Louis.

We're best friends after all, we have matching tattoos, but that only symbolizes our friendship, right?

Maybe I'm overreacting and over analyzing everything.

Maybe I am just sexually frustrated and Louis was attractive, so I thought I liked him. But, in reality, I only wanted to fuck him.

Ok, that's just a little weird and creepy.

Maybe I need to confirm that I an straight.

Maybe I should watch gay porn, see if I like it?

Yeah, good idea, I'm gonna go do that.


"F-Fuck! Oh god! Mhmm....."

Nope, I was not having sex. That is the sound of me jerking off to gay porn. Yay! Note the sarcasm in my voice.


 I stop my movements and gasp in surprise, his name just fell from my lips. I moaned his name.

It was an accident, though, I didn't mean to say his name, it slipped.

I'll let it slide, it was only an accident, besides I'm still really hard, painfully hard, actually.

I wrap my hand around my díck once more and start to flick my wrist in a steady pattern. I quicken my movements and start to pump faster.

I can feel my orgasm building up and I feel my balls tighten, signaling that I am about to come.

"LouisLouisLouisLouis..." I chant as white streaks shoot all over my hand.

When I said that Louis' name slipped from my mouth and it was a one-time thing and let it slide, I guess I am also going to let this slide..


AN Hey, you should check out my other book, it's called Opposites. Yeah I know, I suck. Well bye.

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