What did you say?

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AN Hehe, I like this video.

Louis' POV

"You're pretty, Harold" I whispered, with a little grin.

"What?" Harry said.

"Hmm, nothing" I said a little quickly after he finished talking, realizing what I just said.

Oh no! He's onto me. He's figured it out. Wait, figured what out? Why am I nervous? I have nothing to hide, other than that I'm gay. What am I hiding? OMG, what is wrong with me?!

"Ok" he said, he said a little hesitant.

Hehe, awkward silence. I assumed he forgot about it because he just went back to watching the telly. I felt somewhat relieved and I started to think about what just happened. I, Louis Tomlinson, apparently just called my bestfriend, pretty. I know Harry is a good looking guy, because he gets laid, like a lot, which for some reason made me sad. It must be because I'm a virgin, yeah that's it, maybe I'm just sad because Harry's getting laid and I'm here sucking on my thumb like a pile of nothing. Anyways, yeah Harry is a good looking guy, hot I might say-did I just call my best friend hot? Oh God, help. Ok, back to what I was saying, yeah, hot, but not pretty, besides, what kind of guy calls their guy bestfriend, pretty.

I'm an idiot. Fuck me, fuck my life. fuck me again.

About 5 minutes of just Harry and I in awkward silence, which by the way, doesn't normally happen, Liam finally came back into the living room. And almost immediately, Niall and Zayn came into the living room. Liam had brought more crisps, some sweets, and some sodas. We all immediately dug in, I guess neither had really eaten a meal since lunch.

We didn't really talk because we were eating, plus I didn't want to choke. So, after we finished eating, we all sat in a circle, already knowing what was going on, I let out a sigh. I wasn't bored or anything, it's just because I know how far and serious these guys go when playing this game.

"Truth or dare?" Liam asked me.

I debated on saying truth or dare. If I say truth, I will probably end up admitting to something that is really embarrassing. The guys probably won't stop bothering about whatever I tell them for about a month. If I say dare, they will probably end up making me do something, like jump off the roof. I'm actually kind of surprised I'm still alive, after spending so much of my time with these guys. I had finally made my decision and thought, "What's there to lose?" So I turned to Liam and spoke.

"Dare", I said with some level of confidence, yeah that didn't last long. My small smile quickly faded when Liam's mouth turned into a smirk.

I regret all my life's choices.

AN Short chappie because I'm lazy and pulled this out of my ass.

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