Sleeping at Lima's

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Harry's POV

I was down right pumped for this sleepover. Maybe not the Ziall part. That's right I combined their names because it's easier to say than to say Zayn and Niall or Niall and Zayn, I don't know, maybe I'm just lazy, probably.

Anyways, they're cute and all that shit but sometimes I get annoyed and I sometimes just want to like rip them apart, you know? But then they'd start crying because they " Miss each other" and they " Can't live without each other", I don't know, I'm single and I'm perfectly fine. Besides I'm just a whore. Who wants to date a whore? I just sleep around with one night stands and then she say things like "You broke my heart" and "I thought you cared about me" and I'm just her like "Bitch if I cared about you, you'd be my girlfriend and I wouldn't have sex with you the night we meet." Then, she would burst into tears and run away or some shit like that, I don't know, I don't pay attention to all that.

I was dozing off until Louis nudged me and told me that the bell just rang and we had to get to class. I just wanted school to end so I can go home and start packing. I don't really care about my grades, but I still do the work, I don't try but I guess I'm considered smart. I don't know how but I never pay attention in school and I still get better grades then yo dumbass.( just kidding, not really)

I just really want this school day to be over.


About time school is over, I thought that was going to take forever. I am literally dying inside. Plus I'm hungry.

I waited for Louis by the doors because he's my ride back home and he's a dork, plus I love him, not really, that's gross, kind of, I guess, maybe? I don't know anymore. I need to-

" Hey bitch, whatcha doin'?" Louis said. I wasn't aware of his presence so I jumped in surprise, he kind of scare me.

"Gosh, don't scare me like that!" I screamed, not really, more of raising my voice a little louder than usual.

"Never" Louis said smiling.

"Dickhead" I said narrowing my eyes at him.

"I know you are but what am I" Louis said giggling.

"I swear sometimes I think my best friend is 5 years old" I said.

"Yay!" Louis screamed, then he said "Deal with it."

"I'm friends with a child" I mumbled.

Louis must of heard me because then he said "Yes you are", while grinning.


Right after Louis dropped me off I ran straight to my room and started packing stuff for the sleep over. I didn't need to ask my mom because I knew she would say yes. My mom is awesome.

I don't wear pajamas, I usually sleep naked, but I don't think my friends would like to see my dick. Louis has seen my dick though, I wasn't embarrassed, but the look on his face was priceless.


Louis was at my house because we were playing video games, plus why not? Anyways I told him that I needed to go to the loo and he said ok, so I went to the loo.

I really needed to pee so I rushed to the loo and closed the door, but I didn't lock it. After that, I pulled down my trousers and my underwear and I started peeing. But he idiot decided to follow me, I don't know why and he just burst the door open. Maybe he wanted to ask me a question? I don't know.

He looked at me wide eyes and his eyes trailed down my body and his cheeks flushed red. Then he looked me in the eyes, we were staring at each other for like a minute then I finally decide to speak.

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