That's a problem

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Louis' POV

After I told Harry that I was gay, I felt better. Like I didn't have to worry about anything, like I was free, well kind of.

I still have my no good mother -bitch. I don't care if that did not make sense I am very bad at name calling.

Anyways, I'm so glad that Harry accepted me, I was actually pretty scared that he wouldn't . I mean, he's my best friend and no one could replace him, so I don't know what I would've done if he left me for who I was and am.

But then again, being gay doesn't define who I am. It's just a part of me. A single word to the big book that is me. I'm just glad that Harry doesn't see me any different and I'm just Louis, not Louis, who also happens to be gay. Just a normal teenage guy. That's all I am, but just a bit different.

Harry seemed to take it well, which is good because he's really only the other person, scratch that, he's the only person that I trust my life with. I would hate to lose him to something thats so stupid, I Jean why do people have to come out? It shuld be normal for people to be either gay or straight, or whatever you are. Why do we have to put a label on something like sexuality? Right?

I'm ranting, I should stop now. This is why I can't be left alone in my own thoughts.

OK, so after I told Harry I was gay, we started swinging in the swings because let's face it we try to act all grown up and manly, but in reality we are a couple of 5-year old kids. Really tall 5-year old kids, well Harry is really tall, but that doesn't matter right now.

Then we went to get ice cream and Harry paid for the both of us, he let me get sprinkles because "it was really brave of me to come out." He's such a...a pickle. Again, bad at name calling. But I love him know as a friend.....I think.

Whatever, whatever he doesn't even like me, he doesn't even like boys , so I have no chance. I'll find someone. Even though I want that someone to be Harry.

I'm going to stop now. So after ice cream we walked back to the park and just hung out. Talked a bit. Then he held my hand, as a friendly gesture and we just walked in silence. After that he's walked me back to my house, I wouldn't really call it a home, and he hugged me then pecked my cheek and walked off. And now I'm here, wallowing in my thoughts.

Damn Harold and his good looks and his gentlemenliness. I don't care if that's a word or not. I don't know why I am having these thoughts right now. Out of all the years we have been friends, now my feelings decide to be like "Oh Harold looks really hot right now, lets go fucking fall in love with him. YAY!" Why couldn't this happen when we were Iike 12.

Stupid feelings.

Well, I like my bestfriend.

That's a problem.

AN I hate and love auto correct. Well, bye.

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