Fuck it, I'm gay

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Oh, ifunny, you get me, you get me.

Harry's POV

Ever since Louis told me he was gay, I guess I feel like I'm closer to him, like we're closer. And I was thinking, if Louis just told me his only secret that means we have no secrets between each other.

Well, other than that thing where I find Louis really attractive, even though I'm "straight", if I wasn't, I'd probably pound an innocent little twink like Louis. Over and over. In every position I can think of, even on the bathroom sink. Hell, fucking dry and really deep, and rough.

But sadly I am not gay.

Louis is fucking hot and that is coming from a "straight" guy.

Oops, I have a problem now. My dick must've twitched about the thought of fucking Louis. It's probably the booty.

Yep, I'm so fucking straight, you know just imagining me pounding Louis. I'm so straight.

Other thank that, we have no secrets between each other and I think that's why I think we are closer than before.

He also looks a lot happier and his eyes glow more and shine, brighter than all the stars combined.

Louis wanted to go see the sunset because "it's beautiful and I want you to make my gay ass wishes come true," Louis sure is something. That boy will be the death of me.

I guess he's gay and proud. I'd probably be too, if I were gay. But I'm not.

Whatever, anyways, I needed to get ready because I just need to.

I put on black skinnies, a black beanie, my converse, and then a black YOLO shirt. The only reason I put on a beanie was because I didn't really feel like doing my hair. Plus, it's just Louis, I could look like shit and it wouldn't matter. We're just comfortable around each other. You know because we've been best friends for all these years.

I go downstairs and head through the door. Louis and I are meeting at the park. That boy loves parks, ever since he told me he was gay, he's been wanting to go every second of every day.

There's a little hill by the park and when we arrive, we're just gonna go and sit on the hill, and enjoy the scenery.

I started my walk to the park and it was windy, like usual, and the sun was shining. But it wasn't that bright. Which I guess is why Harry wanted to meet at 6:00.

When I arrive at the park, I go straight to the little hill. Louis is already there, just staring out in the distance. I go over and sit next to him.

He jumps a little, he probably wasn't expecting me.

"Gosh, you scared me. Didn't hear you," Louis says, still staring at the sun.

"Sorry," I say crossing my legs.

We just sit there in silence, but it was a good kind of silence, where no one has to say anything. Their presence is enough.

"Beautiful, ain't it?" Louis says turning his head to me with a small and warm smile planted on his face.

"Yeah, it is," I say even though I have not looked at the Sun since I got here. Louis turns back around and I continue to admire, not stare, at him.

He looks so beautiful and then the sky behind him makes him look even more natural. The lighting is hitting his face at such perfect angles and I just can't help it, so I lean closer to him.

As I'm leaning in, Louis turns towards me and his smile drops.

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing," say, but I continue to lean in.

Right as I'm about to kiss his beautiful lips, he turns his head, so I end up kissing his cheek. It's soft, but I'm pretty sure his lips are softer.

"Harry, I may be gay, and think that you are extremely attractive, " as he says that, I blush and he turns to look me in the eyes" but I want to be friends," my heart shatters at those words" I mean we've been best friends for as long as I can remember, and I want to keep it that way, yeah?" He says as nicely as he can, but it still hurts me, knowing that he's rejecting me.

"Yeah, I understand, I don't know what I was thinking, I'm so sorry Louis" I say putting on a fake smile and for the first time this whole night, I look at the sunset.

I think its time for me to admit it. Well, maybe I just think I like Louis like that because we've been friends for so long and-

Fuck it, I'm gay.

Just Fuck it, I'm gay.

AN you guys are probably like "wut iswit harreh and I thot louehh licked harreh" ya, I know but that will be in the next chapter so....yeah. Well, bye.

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