Me too, me too

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I think I should call my readers chumpies or chumps. Lol

Louis' POV

I end up staying the night at Harry's. I mainly stay because I don't want go on my "date" with Eleawhore, the other reason is that Harry's cuddling actually makes me somewhat Happy and I don't want to ruin it by leaving. So I stay.

Even though I know he doesn't like me, it feels nice to know that someone actually, possibly cares about you. And it feels nice for someone to hold you and just make you feels special. But I know he's just doing it because he feels pity for my and because that's what a bestfriend is "supposed" to do. I don't blame him though.

The entire night I don't get a blink of sleep. All throughout the night, I hear Harry's soft snores and feel safe in his arms, like no one can hurt me and none of the monsters will come and get me. And I can't bare to look at him throughout the entire night, so I turn around so that we're spooning and I am the little spoon, I like this feeling. But I know he'll never feel the same. So all night, I try to think of flaws that Harry has, so that I could come up with reasons not to like him.

There aren't that many, only the fact the he's straight.

But for some reason, that just isn't enough for me to change my mind about him. Oh, I know, maybe because it's because it's not my mind that I have to convince, by my heart. Because I love him with all my heart and I tell my mind that I don't like him, but my heart differs and says that I love him. And I do.

Wow, so cliche, a best friend falling in love with the other best friend. We all know how the story goes; the person falls in love with his/her best friend but keeps it a secret. Then the best friend notices their best friend acting weird, so they force the truth out, and OMG, they both feel the Same another each other. And they live happily every after.

Well this is not a Cinderella Happy tale every after movie. This is reality. And Harry will never feel the Same. And I have to live with that, accept the fact that Harry is one of the straightest guys I have ever met, the straightest they come.

And that's my night.

By the time it's dawn, Harry's arms are still around me and he slightly stirs in his sleep, I think he's waking up, but instead he moans and I can feel his aroused.....manliness against my bum. And Oh how it feels so good and pleasurable , but I know he's probably dreaming about doing the do with some pretty girl or something. But his boner is pressed against me and it's getting me hard, so I bite my lips to muffle my small whimpers and moans.

Then he starts grinding against me. And Oh God his dream must be really good if it has this affect on him through the outside, it's really giving me the feels on the inside.

But it cuts short when Harry stops his movement and I hear his breathing accelerate, meaning that he's woken up. His erection is pressed against me and I know he's shocked because he probably thought I was one of his hook-ups.

"Shit," he mutters," Lou?" And I wonder if he knows what he's doing to me. I, of course think of stuff that makes me go soft, as I was still slightly hard. So I think of boobs, and ew. AN I have Nothing against boobs Lol

"You're hard," I say dumbly, not really sure what to say to usher him that I'm awake, as he was, still pressed against me. So his morning wood was pressed right against my bum and Wow this must be so awkward for him, I actually think it feels amazing.

"Um.... Yeah I-I am," he says as his arms tighten around me and he doesn't even try to move away from me. Which I find a bit unusual for a straight guy, as I am indeed a boy.

"So are you just going to stay pressed against me?" I ask with a bit of humor so that he doesn't find it suspicious and think that I like him because I wouldn't want that.

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