I won't let you go

193 16 3

Harry's POV

"I love the way you make me feel."

"I love making you feel this way," I whsiper. I feel Louis tense up from under my arms and it's probably because he thought I was asleep.

I was 'snoring,' but that's only because I wanted Louis to sleep, so I could stare at his face. I know that sounds weird, but when you love someone, you just like to admire their face and just notice all the little things


AN Bitch, you thought, you thought. Lol let's get back to the chapter.

"I thought you were asleep," Louis says and as he speaks, I can feel the vibrations travel through his body. I dunno why I like that, I guess I just like hearing Louis' voice, and feeling it assures me that it is indeed, one of the most beautifullest (I know, not a real word) things I have ever heard.

"Nah, I can't to sleep unless you fall asleep first," I reply as I draw patterns on Louis' we're tummy. God, I've always loved his tummy, even though he may or may not like it, I love it.

"And why is that?" Louis asks and from his tone, you could tell he has a sly smile on his face. By now, he has relaxed his muscles, no longer tense. And I have stopped moving my hands.

"Because you're a cupcake."

"Good enough for me," Louis says before bursting out into a fit of giggles. I swear. This boy. After a while, the giggles have died down and our breathing is not as constant.

"Alright cupcake, time to get some rest," I whisper to Louis.




I awaken to the sound of Louis' mother screaming St the top of really lungs. First of all, what? She doesn't even know where I live. Second of all, what is she doing here, can't she just see that her son wants to be left alone.

Louis stirs in his sleep before waking up and placing his hands on top of mine. But when he heard his mother screaming, I feel him tense up.


"Shut up. Don't talk. You are not here. You were never here," I say as I get up and help Louis out of bed. After he's out of bed, I push him into my closet and tell him to not make a sound.

I check the time and it's 3 in the bloody morning. What is this woman doing here? I put on some clothes and walk downstairs, where the woman is still screaming. I don't where my mum is, maybe she already left for work, I don't know.

"Can you shut the Fuck up?" I say as I walk downstairs and an met with the angry face of Louis' mum.

"Pardon me, young Harold, but you need to watch your language." Jay says, rather than continuing her screaming.

"What do you want?" I ask, pretending like I don't know what she came her for, her son.

"I want my Louis, and I know he's here, when his phone was on, I had the police track his phone, and it lead me here, to his God forsaken friend's house," she mutters the last part.

"Yeah OK, Thanks. But Louis isn't here. Haven't heard from him in two days. So now that you know that he's not here, can you leave?" I say in a harsh tone. This woman is getting on my nerves, hell she could just be standing there and she would be getting on my nerves.

"I know Louis is here, don't try to tell me otherwise."

"Well, you are trespassing, and you have broken into my home, so if you take another step, I won't hesitate to call the police." She narrows her eyes at me, before speaking.

"Fine, but I'll be back for my Louis, I know he's here," and with that, she's walking out of the house and back to her car. Thank God.

I walk back up stairs and strip down back to just my boxers.

"Lou? You can come out now, she's gone," when I finish speaking, Louis has already burst out if the closet, and he has his arms around me. I quickly react by wrapping my arms around him and rubbing circles on his back.

"Please, Haz. Don't let her take me away," Louis whispers and kind of sobs. I know he's scared of Jay, but I won't let her take away my Louis.

"Don't worry baby, I got you."


"I won't let you go."

AN Yay, chumpy stuff. Tell me if there are any mistakes and don't forget to check out my other chumpy stories. Well, bye.

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