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3rd Person

5 years later

Louis and Harry opened a restaurant called "The BlueGreen." They opened it a couple of months after moving to America, they Honestly didn't know what to name it, since they were still teenagers. So they just went with the color of their eyes.

A couple of weeks after opening the restaurant, Harry declared his love for Louis be proposing, which Louis of course, said Yes. Their wedding was small, since they didn't have any family members around. It was just them two, some cake, and the priest.

It was a fancy restaurant with a the fancy wine and chandeliers, all that good stuff. And it became popular, after about a year since it opened, Louis and Harry started opening restaurants nationwide, then worldwide. So they certainly got richer than they already were.

Louis and Harry never heard from Jay again, even though she probably knew where they were since their restaurant business got really big. And Anne, well she didn't really care, she didn't even try to look for Harry. She knew he ran away, and she did Nothing about it.

Louis and Harry soon moved out kg their small flat that they lived in for only a year, they then moved into a giant mansion all the way in California. Louis always complained about it being so small, so they needed something, or rather someone to make the house seem less empty.

So they had kids. And when I mean they had kids, the literally had kids. Louis and Harry soon found out that Louis had a genetic mutation where he could have kids. He found out he was pregnant after about a month of having rough, steamy sex.

Louis have birth to a baby boy.

He ended getting pregnant 4 more times after that.

The second time he got pregnant, he gave birth to triplets, two boys and a girl. The third time he got pregnant, he had a girl. The fourth time he for pregnant he had a girl. And the last time he got pregnant, he had a boy.

He had seven kids with Harry: Lucas, Angel & Alex, Haley, Olivia, Lizzy, and little Elliot.

As the years passed, Louis and Harry grew old and became one of the richest peoples in the food business. And before they knew it,
they were lying next to each other in a retirement home. Once they were gone their children would inherit their fortune.

"I'm so glad I fell in love with you."

"And it's all because I noticed the Little Things about you."

"I love you Lou."

"And I love you Haz."

Louis and Harry died in each other's arms, their last words were telling each other that they loved one another. They died mere seconds between each other, proving that they could not live without the other.

The End

AN There will not be a sequel, I think. Tell me if there are any mistakes. And check out my other story, Little Red Riding Through The Hood, I actually work hard on it. Well, bye.

P.S. This is literally so cheesy. I'm gonna look back on this in a couple of years and I'm gonna die of cheessyness. ._.

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