I love the way you make me feel

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Louis' POV

"We should probably change," I comment as I get off of Harry and sit next to him. The drying cum is uncomfortable and it would be even more uncomfortable when it fully dries, so I would rather wear boxers or briefs than panties covered in dry cum.

"Yeah, OK." He sits up and makes his way to his dresser.

He gets himself a pair of blue checkered boxers and hands me a pair of the Same, except these are green.

"Thank you," I smile. "Um, I'm gonna change in the bathroom," say awkwardly as I head to the bathroom. Harry gives me a small nod as I see him slide his skinny jeans down.

I wish I would've stayed long enough to see his lower half without any clothing, other than his boxers, of course. Because seeing him naked would be weird....hehe.

Anyways, I go into the bathroom and lock the door. Once I have put Harry's boxers on, I don't know what to do with these panties. I could wash them again, but I don't want to be awkward and, I don't know it's just weird. Like 'Hey Harry, what do I do with my crusty cum covered panties?!' Yeah, no.

I walk out of the bathroom with my panties in my hand, and I'm going to have to ask Harry if I could wash them, again. Wow, this is embarrassing.

I spot Harry sitting on his bed he's playing with his fingers aka, he's just looking at his enormous hands, he has absolutely no clothing on, except for the blue checkered boxers that he was putting on when I went in the bathroom. And I have to admit, he has a very fit body. Great, now I feel my face heating up, and I know I am not blushing deeply. I hope Harry doesn't notice me.

Oh shit, he looks up and smiles.

"Hey, Lou."

"Oh, Yeah, um hi, can I maybe use your washing machine?" I ask with a small voice and could I get any more awkward?

"You don't have to ask Lou, we've known each other since we we're like in kindergarten, no reason to be shy around me."

"Yeah, OK," then I turn around to go throw my panties into the washing machine.

When I return, Harry is under the covers, but he's sitting up. His eyebrows are furrowed and he looks deep into thought. It's like he can sense me whenever I'm in the room, and his head snaps towards me. Causing me jump back a little, I didn't expect him to do that.

"Come," he says as he lifts the covers and pats the space next to him.

I gulp at the thought of sleeping next to an almost naked Harry. So many thoughts go through my head, and OK let me stop myself before I get hard, again.

I make my way over to the empty side of the bed and slowly, but surely crawl in next to him. When I'm next to him, I take off my shirt and jeans, and he doesn't seem phased by it at all. Which I'm kind of glad for.

"Sorry, I usually sleep naked," Harry says, looking at me like I'm the most interesting thing in the world.

"I know," I whisper. We lie in the darkness and it feels as if gravity is somehow pulling us closer together and our lips touch.

It feels like our first kiss and I feel the sparks and fireworks, I know I will never get tired of this feeling. And ever since Harry and I kissed, I have gotten a lot happier, and I don't feel as sad as I used to be.

I know it's only been like a day, but I just feel really Happy. We both pull away from the kiss and just stare into each other's eyes.

"Goodnight Haz," I whisper, feeling a bit tired.

"Goodnight Lou," he whispers back.

I turn around so that my back is facing him. He moves closer to me and his arms drape over my feminine curves. We're spooning, now, and I put my hands over his.

He moves even closer and now his whole body is pressed against mine, and it feels nice. I like feeling like this, like Harry will always protect me and I know it's partially true.

"I love the way you make me feel," I whisper Once I can hear soft snores coming from Harry.

AN I don't know what I'm doing. Tell me if there are any mistakes, don't forget to check out my other stories. Well, bye.

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