Chapter 2: You Can't get Everything

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Nicole's POV

I woke up to the smell of lemons. Ugh. I'm in a hospital. Wait, a hospital! I opened my eyes slowly and saw a blond boy leaning over me. Oh my god it was Edward Elric! I screamed and closed my eyes again. I clutched my head.

"No no no no no!" I said to myself. "This isn't happening! This isn't happening! This is a dream!" I told myself.

"Hey! Calm down!" His voice was just like in the anime!

"This isn't real! I'm dreaming! I'm not here! Edward is not talking to me!" I said to myself again. I heard him gasp. 

"How do you know my name?" He asked confused. I ignored him and took deep breaths.

"This is a dream. I refuse to believe this happened to me! I'm not here!" 

"Calm down!" Ed yelled pushing me back down against the bed and restraining my arms at my sides. I clenched my eyes closed.

"One! Two! Three!" I peaked and saw Ed again. "This isn't happening!" I wiggled out of his hold and backed up a bit. 

"Calm down! I'm not gonna hurt you!" He placed his hands up at me. "Just calm down."

"How the hell can I calm down if I've been kidnapped by a cosplayer!?" I yelled. That was the thing that most likely happened.

"Kinapped!? Me and my brother saved you!" He yelled back. Oh... shit. Did I really see Truth? Did I cross the gate? No! Alchemy didn't exist in my world! This is either a prank, a kidnapping, or Anime North is in town! 

What the hell is going on!? This has to be a dream if it wasn't real! What are the damn odds that me of all people, get dragged into the damn FMA world!

"Saved me from what!?" I asked. He growled. Oh my god he's getting pissy. 

"From dying in the middle of a forest! We saw a blue column and followed it to find you! Your missing a kidney!" I gasped. 

Truth decided to take a kidney!? Wait... no! This isn't real! It can't be real! But... if I'm missing a kidney... then it has to be real! Well this is perfect! I said I wanted to start my life over but not in an anime!

"I'm missing a kidney!? Oh that bastard..." I muttered. Ed sighed.

"Look, we came to see what the column was about because we thought someone was committing the taboo of alchemy. When we found you, you had blood coming from your mouth." He explained. 

I watched sit next to me on the hospital bed.

"So how did you know my name?" He asked. Oh. Shit. What do I tell him? I'm from the other side of the gate!? I can't say that!

"I've heard of the Fullmetal Alchemist before." I tried. "You know, savior of the people." I said. That made him smile. And I mean he gave me a toothy grin.

"So you've heard of me?" He asked. I sighed.

"No. I was talking about a ballerina." I said sarcastically.

"You dont have to be sarcastic you know." He told me with a deadpan look on his face. Oh! I loved it when he deadpans! 

"Deal with it." I said blankly and crossing my arms. Not a good idea. A sharp pain ran up my side and I winced clutching the sore spot.

"You shouldn't move that quickly. Your wound is still pretty fresh. The doctors had to call for an alchemic doctor to heal you." He told me. I gawked at him.

"An... Alchemic doctor?" I asked. He nodded. "Great. This is getting weirder and weirder." 

"Do you not believe in alchemy?" He asked. I turned my head slowly to face him again.

"No I do. I just never used it before and I have a feeling I'm in deep shit." I told him.

"Why is that?" I started to panic. Dammit Nicole!

"Oh no reason! It's just where I'm from it isn't used often and we find it hard to learn! That's all!" I said waving my hands frantically around. Ed chuckled. Oh my god! His chuckle is adorable~! 

"You seem a lot like my brother." He said. "And don't move that fast. You can reopen the wound." He stood up. "Well, I gotta go tell the Bastard you're awake." He stretched his arm.

"I already know she's awake Fullmetal." Oh my god! It's Roy Mustang the Flame Alchemist! Holy crap! Holy crap! Ho-ly crap! I love Roy! He's so amazing! My eye twitched.

"Oh great." Ed muttered. "Good luck." He said waving his hand lazily over his shoulder.

"I'm Colonel Roy Mustang. I'm just here to ask you a few questions." He said pulling up a chair next to me with a clipboard in his left hand and a pen in his right. I nodded. 

"Alright. Shoot." I said deathly calm. Only God knows that I would and should be freaking the hell out but, I had to stay calm and try not to draw any suspicion. 

"What's your name?" He asked. Real name or fake name? Fake name.

"Anna." I said in disbelief.

"Last name?" HD asked. I sighed. Real or fake? Real.

"Brown." I leaned back against the pillows and tried not to scream. All these damn questions were getting on my nerves! How does Ed do it!? 

"One last question Ms. Brown." He said.

"You said that twenty questions ago." I muttered with a sigh.

"Anyways, we need information to contact your parents on this situation." He told me. I went pale.

"Contact information?" I asked.

"Yes. We need to tell them about this."

"I don't know where my parents are. I ran away at a young age."

"And why is that?" Too. Damn. Far.

"Personal reasons I don't have to share with someone I barely know." I said faking a smile.

"I need to know."

"No, you want to know. You don't need to know why I left. It's my personal life and you can't force me to tell you." I said firmly. Oh man, this was gonna get ugly. His face was determined to find out.

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