Chapter 24: I'd rather be hit by the train

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Okay. Ed fixed up the town after the apocalypse of very, very, very pissed off townspeople nearly killed him. Then tore of his clothes to look at his automail. Again.

I laughed until a couple of teenage mechanics tried to flirt with me. I smacked them all upside the head. One tried to touch my ass, so I punched him. Knocked him out and everything. 

The guys father apologized and carried his son away over his shoulder. Ha ha! Sorry asshole. We got back to Gardields house and Winry still wouldn't let me change! I told her I wasn't comfortable, but she still wouldn't budge.

I went looking for my clothes too. I got a wrench to the head. Winry finally let me put on a pair of tights though. Thank god. I felt a little less exposed. Yeah. So we went back out for a bit. Ed, Al and I. Ling found us again too. Yay...

He tried to flirt with me again. I slapped him again. Lan Fan and Fu tried to kill me. I knocked them on their asses. I knocked not one, but two trained ninjas, on their asses. I knew I was good but, I didn't think I was that good!

If you can't tell, I like to gloat on things like that. It's one of the other few things that bring me joy. Nothing else really happened. We went back to thank Winry and then we went to our hotel. Winry gave Ed my clothes and told him not to give them to me until after we ate dinner.

The jerk. And I don't mean Winry. Ed actually listened to her! He wouldn't give them back! Even after dinner! He didn't give them back so I stole his jacket and hid it. 

"Where is it Anna!?" He yelled.

"Where's what Eddy?" I asked from the chair in the corner of the room.

"My jacket! Where is it!?"

"I haven't the slightest clue where you put it Ed." I said calmly like I had no idea. I was reading a new book. I had finished the other one I was given by Mustang. 

"That's a lie! Where is it!?"

"I'll tell you where it is once you give me my clothes back." I said calmly. Ed fumed and took the book out of my hands. "Oh no! You took my book!" I said sarcastically worried. I pulled out another book.

"Anna!" Ed yelled.

"Don't yell Edward. There are other guests."

"Where's my jacket Anna!?" He said furious.

"Give me my clothes and I'll tell you where it is."

"Fine!" He yelled. He went to the closet and pulled out a bag. With my clothes in it. I stood up and pulled his jacket from under the cushion on the chair. We swapped at the same time.

"You're evil." He told me as I went to the washroom.

"Thanks." I said calmly walking through the doorway. I quickly shut the door and stripped off the hideous abomination they call a dress. I know I'm saying this again but, I HATE DRESSES! I looked in the mirror. The pink lines that scattered my upper body. The one that ran up my neck a little. 

I gingerly touched one that came from my hip to my stomach. I was in a hospital for ten days because of that one. I could almost feel the knife gliding across my skin again. I shivered. The pain.

I grabbed my pants and pulled them on. Then my shirt. And sweater. I sighed and folded the dress. I wanted to burn it.  But, Winry would hit me again. I now knew what Ed felt when being hit with a freaking wrench.

I came back out and Al was back from where ever the hell he went. They were watching me. Stalkers! I'm kidding. But it did creep me out.

"What are you two starring at?" I asked confused. Ed pointed to the chair in front of him.

"Sit." He ordered. How the hell can he go from totally pissed off to completely serious!? I set Winry's dress on one of the two beds in the room and sat in the chair. He looked so freaking serious. He's started to freak me out.

"What's up with you two? You want me to leave, just say the words." I said. Not likely but it could still happen.

"That's not it at all Anna." Al said. He seemed upset. What the hell was going on? A few minutes ago, Ed was pissed off and last time I saw Al, he was his happy self. 

"We just need to talk to you about something." Ed stated looking down.

"Talk about what exactly?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest. Ed sighed before speaking.

"We know about your scars." He stated. I went wide eyed. He said scars. Plural for scar! How did he know about them all!?

"How the hell did you find out!?" I yelled standing up and grabbing the front of his shirt in my fist. 

"Anna, please calm down!" Al pleaded. I lowered my head so my bangs covered my eyes and let Ed go. I grabbed my hood and pulled it on my head and headed for the door of the room.

"Where are you going?" Ed asked. I didn't answer and left the room; hearing the soft click of the door shutting. I went outside. Up on the roof. 

How had they known? I've never told anyone about them. The only one that knew, was the nurse at the hospital back in my world. And she still did nothing to stop my parents. I sat on the edge with my legs dangling off. 

So, how the hell did they find out? Did... did they assume it? Did they see them? And if they did, how did they? I clapped my hands and touched the roof next to me. A small knife figure made of rock appeared. I quickly made it disappear. That was my life before.

I heard the door creak open behind me.

"Anna." Eds voice rang out. It cut through the silence like a knife. 

"How the hell did you find out? I've never told anyone." I asked not looking up.

"When Winry was forcing you to wear the dress."


"When you screamed. Winry didn't see them. I asked without giving it away. The bottom of your shirt was pulled up a little bit." He sat beside me. "We just wanted to let you know. And... and ask how you got them all." He explained. I took a deep breath.

"I'd rather not talk about that. It... it hurts. When I talk about it. It's almost although I can feel the pain." I didn't look up and my bangs still covered my eyes.

I felt hot tears roll down my cheeks. Ed gasped.

"Why are you crying!? Don't cry!" He said frantically waving his arms everywhere. 

"I'm not crying. It's just raining." I said. Yes I took the line Mustang was supposed to say when Hughes was supposed to die. It felt appropriate.

"Raining?" He asked.

"Yes. It looks like a storm." I stood up and stalked off towards the door to head back inside. Ed stopped my though. He grabbed my wrist and spun me around to face him. Like in the alleyway, he lifted my chin too look in each others eyes. He used his other hand to wipe my face of tears.

He really did love me.

"I can make the rain stop you know." He said. He leaned towards me and placed his lips on mine. Again. My eyes widened at the gesture. Just like last time. But, what was different, was I kissed him back. I was just as surprised at what I did as Ed was.

This new world was changing me. Ed was changing me. I was opening up more. The rest of the night was a blur. I think I feel asleep on the roof in Eds arms. 

But, before I knew it, it was the next morning. And the security was gone. 

I woke up in one of the beds in the room. Then we were heading back to Central for what, the third time? 

Oh and Ling decided to come with us. Great. Ed got pissed off because he was the same age as he was and like, two or three feet taller then him. Yup. You either look like you're ten or you look like you're twenty-five.

That's the show for you. And then, he started flirting with me again. I slapped him for what seemed like the thousandth time and turned away. Ed was still smiling like a mad man from last night.

Ling was getting on my nerves though. Instead of being on the train, I think I want to be in front of it. Yup. That would shut Ling up. 

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