Chapter 7: Chasing the Watch

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"I'll go!" A man said stepping forward. "I just got an upgrade today!" He gloated.

'Oh shut up.' I thought as Ed swung his jacket over his shoulder. Dork, the announcer guy I named, gave a Mena look and a small light emitted from beneath the table.

'Cheater.' I thought.

"Alright! Who's next!?" Dork yelled as Beardy slammed the guys arm on the table, shattering it to pieces. "How about you sir!? In the armour!?" Dork pointed at Al.

"Oh no! That's alright!" Al said shaking his arms rapidly everywhere.

"Alright, how about you!?" He pointed to Ed. Ed scoffed.

"No thanks. I'll pass." Dork laughed.

"You're right! Automail like that belongs in the junkyard!" He cried. Ed and Winry got pissed off.

"Junkyard!" Winry cried as Ed handed me his coat and stalked off to the table that replaced the old one. I dropped it on the ground and crossed my arms.

Wait, Paninya should have been here by now. Wait... There's a brotherhood version and the original version. Oh holy hell! They're mixed together!! Shiiiiiiit! Okay, so Ed's pocket watch is gonna be stolen by Paninya. Aw crap! Satella is gonna have her fricking kid! Dammit!

Ed clapped his hands silently under the table. Shit shit shit. I'm totally screwed. Within three seconds, Beardy's arm was ripped off and Ed was smirking, saying something I didn't care to hear. Ed handed Winry the bag of money when a swarm of mechanics came towards him and asked about his automail. Off with his pants... ah! There it is! I saw Paninya, pick up Ed's pants and search the pockets for his watch and pulled it out, before running off with it to the pawn store north of town.

Yes I remember all this.

Anyways, I sat back, leaning against a wall and laughing at Eddy's situation. Soon, he got frustrated and screamed his lungs out which, sent the mechanics running. He pulled on his pants and searched his pockets.

"Oh no..." He said nervously.

"What is it Ed?" Winry asked confused.

"My state pocket watch. It's gone!" He cried. A man walking by stopped.

"Something missing? Probably Paninya. Check out the pawn shop north from here." He said with a smile. Ed, Winry and Al tan in that direction while I stalked off in the opposite direction. I wanted to see if I could do the awesome clap and transmute thing Ed and Izumi could.

Unfortunately, Ed came stomping back and grabbed my arm.

"Oh no you don't." He growled and dragged me behind him. Winry was in front of us while Al walked beside Ed. When we reached the pawn shop, Ed slammed the door open while Paninya and the shop owner were trying to pry open his watch.

"Don't open that!" Ed yelled at them. "Hand it over." 

"No thanks." Paninya said with a smirk as she picked up a vase with her foot and threw it at Ed. With her foot.

"No! That vase costs 10, 000!" The owner cried. Ed caught the vase and Paninya hopped out the window.

"Al! Winry! Watch Anna!" He cried jumping out the window after Paninya. I sighed.

"I'm not a five year old. I can handle myself." I said more to myself then to anyone as I walked out of the shop.

"Where are you going?" Winry asked confused.

"I'm going for a walk." I said waving lazily over my shoulder. 

"Oh no you don't!" Winry said grabbing my arm and dragging me behind her as she followed Al.

"Why do I always get dragged everywhere like I'm being kidnapped?" I asked myself. When Winry let me go, I sat by a wall with my legs crossed 

"Don't move." Winry instructed.

"I hate all of you guys." I muttered.

"What was that?" Winry growled.

"I said have you noticed how short Ed is?" I told her standing up and shoving my hands into my pocket. Winry growled again and clenched her fists before placing her face, an inch from mine.

"That's not what you said." She snapped.

"You're right. It wasn't." I turned and stalked off and when Winry tried to grab me Al held her back.

"You said it yourself Winry. She needs her space. Especially when she's upset lime that." I heard Al say. Great. Now I can go try to figure out a way home. Wait... why do I want to go back to New York!?

My parents would find me if I went back to my world! But, in this world I'm like a criminal... so not much was changed. Perfect. Two terrible options! I went in a random direction as an explosion sounded.

One of what, a dozen explosions? I just kept walking. More explosions sounded. I smirked at them. Eddie Elric was blowing some people up! Okay not people. Inanimate objects that apperently cost a lot of money. Like stores and property.

I signed and kept walking until I found a dead end alleyway. Yay! No. I walked passed it but, stopped when I saw something move. I walked over and a small puppy, was shaking on its feet. My eyes softened and I picked it up with a small smile. It tried to run.

"Hey hey hey." I whispered. "I'm not gonna hurt you." I told it.

"Promise?" It said. My eyes widened. "You can understand me!?" It said in a high pitched voice.

"Yeah. Yeah I can." I told it confused.

"That means you've seen it!" It cried.

"Woah there! Quiet down! To other people you're barking!"

"I'm sorry. But that means you've seen it right!?"

"Seen what?" Okay... this was getting weird...

"The truth between communication! It let's you talk to animals like me!" I smiled again.

"I guess I did. But, if you want to stay with me you have to be quiet in my bag." The puppy nodded happily.

"I will!"

"But first I have to give you a name." I said. "How about Jay?" I asked.

"I like it!" Jay squealed. I shushed him and placed him in my bag gently and zipped it up again. I turned back out of the alleyway and started walking again but I was grabbed by the shoulder. I turned, afraid of who is was going to be. I hoped it wasn't Ed.

There stood my death.

Edward was enraged.

More then usual too. 


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