Chapter 6: the Rush Valley Games

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I sighed and watched as the sun climbed up my legs and danced across my torso until it reached my face. I squinted when it reached my eyes. I smiled some, and pulled my book from my bag and place sit in my lap. I opened it to where I had stopped last night.

Now I could read. I read a fee pages before hearing a small cough from the side. I looked up and saw Winry.

"Morning." She said sitting for across from me and rubbing her eyes.

"Morning." Yeah, I totally loved Winry more than I had before I came to this side of the gate. She was actually nice to.mean and hit Ed for me. I think... I think Winry Rockbell, might be my first, actual friend.

"How did you sleep?" She asked smiling. I smiled back.

"I had a dreamless sleep." I told her simply. "Did you sleep alright?" She nodded happily.

"Yeah but I didn't fall asleep 'till really late because I was so excited for Rush Valley." She looked into my eyes. "Is that bad?" She asked. I smiled a bit bigger.

"Considering I used to stay up all night and read whatever I could find, no." I said. I think I should stay here. I can still charge and use my phone. I won't die from lack of phone. I'm in the FMA world. I have my favorite characters. I can't wait to meet Greed in Dublin! But, Al would have to be kidnapped...

Shit! Al's gonna be kidnapped!

"Hey Winry?" I whispered.

"Yeah?" She whispered back. I took a deep breath.

"Can I count on you to keep a secret for me?" Winry gasped slightly buy then closed her mouth and nodded firmly. "You can't even tell Ed and Al." I whispered in her ear. She nodded firmly again.

"I won't tell another living soul." She promised. I took another deep breath.

"I'm not from here." I told her.

"Thats not much of a secret." She said confused. I sighed and shook my head; sitting up in the process.

"No. I mean, I'm from another world." I lower my voice to barely a whisper. Winry smiled and giggled.

"That's a funny joke! Do have any other ones?" She asked.

"I'm being serious Winry! I know how this is going to end!" Winry heard the seriousness in my voice but, she ignored it. "If I wasn't from another world then... I wouldn't know you forgot a screw in Ed's automatic." I hissed in a whisper.

Winry gasped.

"How did you know!?" She yelled in a whisper

"In my world, this is a story. I've read it and I know what's going to happen next. But, I don't know what will happen if I tell the guys. That's why I'm telling you. I know you can keep your word." Winry frowned.

"How can I know you're not just a stalker?" She asked unsure.

"In Rush Valley, there's a girl named Paninya that you'll meet. If you don't meet her, then I'm a stalker. Okay?" I asked. Winry sighed. I sighed back. "You still don't believe me do you?" I asked. She shook her head.

"No. I don't. But, if you're right, I will believe you." She said standing up and walking back over to where Ed and Al were sitting. Man, this was gonna be hard to explain to the guys when the time is right.

Can I tell them? Yes. I could. But, how would the plot change? Would it change at all? Wait, the plot has already changed drastically from my being here! How much more will it change from me telling Winry!?

I'm such an idiot! Why did I tell her!? Oh yeah! Because I felt guilty about keeping the secret and I had to tell someone to get it off my chest! I looked out the window and saw a station come into view. Here we are. Rush Valley. The train came to a stop.

"Anna?" I turned to the young voiced Al.

"Yeah?" I asked turning away again.

"Were here. Brother and Winry asked me to get you." I shoved my book into my bag and tossed the strap over my shoulder.

"That's what I thought." I said walking passed him. I heard his slight gasp as he followed suit. Man, it was hot here. Nope. Don't think about it. I'm not taking my sweater off.

"Why don't you take off your sweater Anna? It's pretty warm here compared to the East City." Al suggested as we soon caught up with the other two.

"I never take it off. The hospital was the exception to me having it off." I told him shoving my hands into my pocket. Al sighed.

"Anna, even though we don't know you much, you can talk to us if you need too." He told me. I sighed and stopped walking.

"I'm fine in my own. I've survived this long right? It's way longer then I thought I would." I told him before I kept walking again. I heard two squeals.

One, a woman staring at a gleaming diamond ring with sparkles in her eyes. Her hands pressed together Against her cheek.

The second, Winry doing to the same... at an auto mail arm. I sighed and walked passed Winry and Ed. Ed growled at me. I turned slightly and glared at him with one eye, before turning back and walking again.

A hand grabbed my arm. I turned quickly, preparing to punch someone in the face. Ed stood, with his grip firm on my elbow.

"Let go." I growled.

"You're not going anywhere." He said firmly. I pulled my arm from his grip and kept walking. "Anna!" He yelled. I rolled my eyes and kept going. Another strong grip grabbed my arm. This time I turned and punched them. I hit metal.

"Shit!" I said under my breath as my knuckles started to bleed.

"I'm sorry!" He apologized. I sighed, turned my bag to be in front of me and opened the smaller pocket. I pulled out a small roll of gauze and wrapped my hand as I turned away from the two.

"Are you okay?" Ed aked me. I sighed and finished rolling my hand in gauze before even deciding to speak.

"I'm fine. If you haven't forgotten, I'm used to pain." I grumbled. I really hated Ed now. I was gonna probably end up almost killing him.

"Just come on." He grabbed my wrist and proceeded to drag me back to Winry. And three. Two. One.

"Come one! Come all to the automatic arm wrestling match!" An announcer cried. I named that guy Dork and his friend was Beardy. Winry heard and stalked over with Ed dragging me behind him while Al followed beside us.

I was going to loose it today...

More then I usually do in a normal day.

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